Declare we’re being attacked by covert warfare

By Alexandria Jane

This is what I want Trump to do. Declare war on communism. Terrorism in academia noticeably began in the climate sciences. TV watchers have no idea how many scientists lost their jobs for dissenting (science without dissent is pseudoscience) or quit because they were tired of the harassment and threats to silence them; terrorism. They, after all, could prove invalid the pseudoscience that our attackers wanted to fabricate to enforce socialism and seem legitimate. So even though it’s just a handful of pieces of shit who fabricate “evidence” that humans are causing catastrophic climate change, scientists and statisticians who aren’t pieces of shit sellouts have been trying to save their field of science for years and have lost the battle as mainstream media has not just ignored them completely, the Associate Press changed their style guide to give them a name that discredits all of them! After all, they were the majority.

Mainstream media has obviously been in collusion with this communist takeover the whole time. I wasn’t surprised by how low mainstream media had sunk during this election. Lack of surprise does not diminish disgust, however. And every time Trump holds a press conference, I marvel at his ability to face such garbage without retching. They are against what he’s trying to save for all of us.

Faculty who challenge the postmodernist destruction of objective field of study to prevent them from being ideological have faced terrorism for years. Jordan Peterson is a great example. And time and time again, mainstream media has tried to discredit him or suggest that he’s a pedophile guilty of inappropriate relations with his daughter. (Remember when they accused Milo of pedophilia?) Peterson was constantly harassed by cults in Canada that are somehow identical to the cults on our American colleges. Communism is global. The trend is there to prove that this a communist takeover; A GLOBAL TAKEOVER!

There are too many stories that we never hear about. Or we hear about them from the mainstream media that is sympathetic to the terrorists and not the faculty who are told to go home because students are roaming the campus with baseball bats presumably searching for faculty members who challenge the ideology that Democrats are pushing. And it’s not just America’s Democrats pushing it. The infiltration is in Australian, Canadian, Europeean, and European-occupied federlaly funded schools. THIS IS A GLOBAL TAKEOVER!

And then there’s what happened to students when I was in college. I had a student in student government make it obvious that it’s amazing what you can find out about people on the internet after saying something about me that made it obvious that he had looked me up. I now know that this was a mild threat that he could and would dox me. Because at the time, it was common to fake Alinsky-esque outrage to drive people to act. Call them a fascist when it was trendy to punch a fascist. Calling someone a fascist was code for “Attack.” And they did dox people. They did this to Heather Macdonald who could prove that the lefts claim’s regarding racism and police brutality were wrong. As we look at how we’re trying to dismantle western civilization to remove systemic racism, something colleges fabricated, we can see why terrorists in academia had targeted her. And they targeted many others. Most stories you won’t hear unless you hear it directly from the person.

Again, the media is colluding with this communist take over and they don’t tell us the truth. The truth is that we are at war. We are fighting communism. Harris doesn’t even hide it. Calls for more equity in government is a call for communism. Equity is not equality. It’s the president’s job to protect us from foreign and domestic invasion. He needs to do that right now. Because every part of the Democrat political platform stems from terrorism in academia. This is obvious subversion to commit treason. The attackers want to destroy the constitution, the Bill of rights, our three branches of government, and the republic.

The president is allowed to do whatever he wants to defend America. He’s still our president. And he has a shitload of power to do what it takes to save America.

That’s not being a tyrant. That’s being a patriot.

God Bless President Trump. He’s the most important leader in the free world right now. And the world knows it. But thanks to mainstream media, many Americans don’t. They hate him. Communist subversion has affected you personally if you think Biden is good and Trump is bad. You’ve been influenced by communist subversion.

Scary thing is that you won’t believe me because you probably watch television.

Clown World

I had started my blog out of frustration. I’m still frustrated, but not as much. More and more people are realizing how evil college is and what a joke “science” is in academia and peer-reviewed journals. When I reread my blog, I relive how angry I was. One thing is for sure, I’m a terrible editor when I’m angry. So many errors that I was blind to in my rage. Perhaps blind rage is a term that was coined for writers. How do I clean up what I wrote? Or do I leave it alone and simply move forward? Even if my writing was sometimes (often) sloppy or my sentences were ten paragraphs of rambling twists and turns, I still see that it had value. I was right about a lot of things. Other things, I could not predict, but I see how present day phenomenon stemmed from topics that I wrote about. I’ve learned so much more since I had started this blog. What I thought was the tip of the iceberg was a pimple on a pimple on the face of a flourishing polar bear on the tip of an iceberg.

I wrote about colleges being ground zero for domestic terrorism. I was apparently crazy to believe such a thing. Look at America now.

I wrote about how colleges were manufacturing pseudoscience that was in reality propaganda used to undermine the legislative process and justify more government interference in our lives. I was accused of slandering my college by calling them out as a cult. Look at America now.

I wrote about colleges subverting capitalism and private property in favor of totalitarianism. Look at California’s ballot measures. Look at America now.

I wrote about colleges and mainstream being part of a United Nations nomenklatura, specifically using the UN sustainable and development goals as their road map and style guide. Now there’s talk of mandatory vaccines if the government will permit us to have jobs independent of government; vaccines are one of the sustainable and development goals. Look at America now.

I wrote about cult indoctrination disguised as education and the cancer that is social justice. Look at America now.

And I wrote about treason, how it’s no longer a crime apparently. It’s a political platform. Look at America now.

Our colleges are finally being challenged by President Trump. Television watchers unfamiliar with how communistic and anti-freedom colleges have become will think Trump is a racist for defunding Critical Race Theory. I know that this is one of Trump’s most important decisions and it demonstrates to me that he abhors racism. I had witnessed my campus making students racist through woke workshops and Marxist diversity training based on “science” that is not valid or reliable. Now colleges are frantically figuring out how they can keep making students anti-racist racists without losing federal funds. President Trump, defund them already!

The so-called right-wing media is not immune to communist subversion. What a shitshow the first debate was between Trump and Chris Wallace/Joe Biden. It was infuriating to watch. Real questions about policy weren’t asked. The questions were deliberately secularly religious faux-questions in order to scare the already mentally ill left into rationalizing anything that interferes with Trump being re-elected as moral and non-violent. It wasn’t a debate. There hasn’t been a debate, only gaslighting by mainstream media and people who’ve sold their souls to the Devil to control their woke cult following with fear instead of logic. It was nauseating listening to Kamala talk about trusting science without the moderator asking her first, what is the definition of pseudoscience, and second, does she still believe that dissent of anthropogenic global warming should be criminalized?

The Devil is the space between people who conspire to do evil. That space turns into a totalitarian monster that sucks people into its forcefully persuasive and escalating gusts of malice like a maelstrom. It’s very hard to escape because, like a cult, it dictates your thoughts, actions, and who you socialize with. If we didn’t know who in mainstream media had previously sold their souls to the devil before this election cycle, we do now. They are actively antagonizing the President of the United States who is pro-America and pro-flourishing. They are allied with anti-American globalists who’ve subverted almost every aspect of human social interaction. That means that they are your enemies. They are our enemies. They are freedom’s enemy. They are horrible, or kamala if you’re Finnish.

Although communists have seemed to have taken over every aspect of American culture in order to cancel it, all is not lost. The battle within videogaming is still being fought. I’m convinced that gamers will save the free world. Taiwan #1! We just need to get Trump to say “Gamergate.” Gamers rise up! Joking aside, I have tremendous admiration for gamers and what they’ve accomplished. To choose character and virtue in gaming instead of making a living talking about gaming journalism corruption on YouTube while not actually doing anything is what makes you awesome. And while some YouTube figures on the subject have crashed and burned, you are still strong. The fact that there are actual peer-reviewed journal articles that shit on gamers proves how powerful and threatening you really are. And I’ve read newspaper articles that shit on gamers. Good for you guys. You are doing something right if you’re making academia and fake news go on the defensive and try to cancel you. You are my heroes.

We’re a day away from our next presidential election. While gamers are defending freedom on their front, the rest of America can’t quite say the same thing. Califuckingfornia is trying to go full socialist. When considering that the socialist policies our “elected” officials are pushing are prepackaged bullshit from globalists, it’s obvious that California wants to unironically be called “Commiefornia.” I already call it “New China.” That’s why we always have bond measures. China is the main purchaser of our bonds. They own us. Winnie the Pooh is our leader.

How fucked is New China? California wants to make discrimination legal again. California Democrats, who talk self-righteously about justice and how our criminal justice system discriminates against Black people, are pushing the Title IX protection act that denies the accused of due process, something that Black Americans who lived through the fear and horror of lynching are very familiar with. More Black men face false sexual assault accusations than any other group. I believe I have the citation in a previous, probably poorly written because I was rage writing, story. Which is it, Democrats? Due process or Title IX lynching? Because you can’t be both. Meanwhile, California Democrats believe that Black people are less intelligent than white people and therefore need a separate drinking fountain for hiring and admissions processes. If there was discrimination involved in college admissions or hiring processes, the solution would not be to lower standards. Would you watch sports if the best athletes who worked hard to be champions were replaced with underrepresented losers like me who can’t throw a ball farther than six feet and can barely touch a basketball net in mid-jump, all in the name of equity?

Equity is not equality. Equal outcome is not equal opportunity. Equal outcome is mediocrity. It’s slavery. This is so insulting when reflecting on the fact that some of the most brilliant Americans in history and present are Black. The challenge to succeed made them strong and independent. And any business that wants to be successful will hire the most talented people. California clearly wants Black people to be mentally weak and believe they are constantly victimized by virtue of being American through massive gaslighting in the media and schools. I can’t believe that in the present day, the Democrat party is shamelessly acting as a slaveholder trying to trick strong and free people into believing they are slaves confined by deadly fences solely because of the color of their skin when there are none. How do these racist pieces of shit get elected? No American needs to have standards lowered for them on the basis of skin color by government or any religion to be saved. This is not an act of benevolence. This is an act of ownership. Beyond that, replacing merit with mediocrity through government intervention and manipulation retards entrepreneurship, retards academia, and ultimately retards the quality of life for every single American in every single way, regardless of what skin color you have. No wonder Democrats are so desperate to close charter schools. Zombies don’t want a single brain to get away.

In my blog, I had reflected on what agencies I believed the United Nations had blamed for their loss to Trump. Social media, YouTube, face-to-face interaction, and speakers on college campuses. Look at America now. It’s worse than I had imagined as products of our treasonous edumacation are now talking about packing the Supreme Court and abolishing the electoral college while decimating America’s energy independence for socialism disguised as environmentalism. I didn’t predict that racism would be used to justify the destruction of everything that keeps America from being a communist theocracy. I didn’t predict that a virus from China would be a Trojan horse for totalitarian government control by a group of traitors who say that burning cities down and rioting in mobs is peaceful protesting and permitted while sending police to try to shut down church gatherings is allowed because we gotta stop the spread of covid. So only Christians are carriers? And in theocratic Muslim countries where police implement Sharia law and will go to your home to arrest you if you’re non-compliant, are we going to the same thing with covid, Sharia by proxy, during the holidays? You can gather to try to tear down a statue that slaves bought and paid for because “racism” but don’t you dare invite your entire family for Thanksgiving, a white supremacist holiday that celebrates the genocide of gay, straight, trans, queer, and indigenous people, because “covid.” The police who must enforce bullshit regulations and laws that passed in Sacramento might as well be the Sharia police, going into people’s home to make sure they’re obedient, fearful, and intimidated. There are quite a few similarities between communism and radical Islam.

This election, we’ll be voting for freedom or for submitting to the totalitarian woke caliphate run by countries who kill gay people for being gay. (Islam means submission.) I had met an artist from China who couldn’t share his art without fear of being executed for being gay. But Trump voters are either homophobic or self-loathing gays. Clown world.

Look at America now while thinking of circus music.

Happy Holidays. We should all leave a seat vacant at our dinner tables to symbolize our submission to big government as they dictate what we can and cannot do in what used to be the privacy of our own homes. Whether or not we see the Democrat Party intruding on our family gatherings, if you are fearful of getting in trouble for non-compliance, big government is your guest of honor. The big guy gets at least 10%.


“State of California—Health and Human Services Agency

California Department of Public Health

October 9, 2020


All Californians


Guidance for Private Gatherings


This guidance provides an updated plan for Californians to gather outside their household and replaces the prior gatherings guidance issued on September 12, 2020 and March 16, 2020. It applies to private gatherings, and all other gatherings not covered by existing sector guidance are prohibited. Gatherings are defined as social situations that bring together people from different households at the same time in a single space or place.  When people from different households mix, this increases the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

Mandatory Requirements for All Gatherings

All persons planning to host or participate in a private gathering, as defined above, must comply with the following requirements. Local health jurisdictions may be more restrictive than this guidance. Refer to your local guidance for what is allowed in your area.

1.    Attendance

Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited. This includes everyone present, including hosts and guests.  Remember, the smaller the number of people, the safer.

Keep the households that you interact with stable over time. By spending time with the same people, risk of transmission is reduced. Participating in multiple gatherings with different households or groups is strongly discouraged.

The host should collect names of all attendees and contact information in case contact tracing is needed later.

2.    Gather Outdoors

Gatherings that occur outdoors are significantly safer than indoor gatherings. All gatherings must be held outside. Attendees may go inside to use restrooms as long as the restrooms are frequently sanitized.

Gatherings may occur in outdoor spaces that are covered by umbrellas, canopies, awnings, roofs, and other shade structures provided that at least three sides of the space (or 75%) are open to the outdoors.

A gathering of no more than three households is permitted in a public park or other outdoor space, even if unrelated gatherings of other groups up to three households are also occurring in the same park or other outdoor space.  If multiple such gatherings are occurring, mixing between group gatherings is not allowed.  Additionally, multiple gatherings of three households cannot be jointly organized or coordinated to occur in the same public park or other outdoor space at the same time – this would constitute a gathering exceeding the permitted size. 

3.    Don’t Attend Gatherings If You Feel Sick or You Are in a High-Risk Group

Anyone with any COVID-19-like symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, night sweats, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness, muscle or body aches, headaches, confusion, or loss of sense of taste/smell), must stay home and not come into contact with anyone outside their household.

Anyone who develops COVID-19 within 48 hours after attending a gathering should notify the other attendees as soon as possible regarding the potential exposure.

People at higher risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 (such as older adults and people with chronic medical conditions) are strongly urged not to attend any gatherings.

4.    Practice Physical Distancing and Hand Hygiene at Gatherings

For any gatherings permitted under this guidance, the space must be large enough so that everyone at a gathering can maintain at least a 6-foot physical distance from others (not including their own household) at all times.

Seating must provide at least 6 feet of distance (in all directions—front-to-back and side-to-side) between different households.

Everyone at a gathering should frequently wash their hands with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. A place to wash hands or hand sanitizer must be available for participants to use.

Shared items should not be used during a gathering. As much as possible, any food or beverages at outdoor gatherings must be in single-serve disposable containers. If providing single-serve containers is not possible, food and beverages must be served by a person who washes or sanitizes their hands frequently, and wears a face covering. Self-serve items from communal containers should not be used.

5.   Wear a Face Covering to Keep COVID-19 from Spreading

When gathering, face coverings must be worn in accordance with the CDPH Guidance on the Use of Face Coverings (PDF), unless an exemption is applicable.

People at gatherings may remove their face coverings briefly to eat or drink as long as they stay at least 6 feet away from everyone outside their own household, and put their face covering back on as soon as they are done with the activity.

Face coverings can also be removed to meet urgent medical needs (for example, to use an asthma inhaler, take medication, or if feeling light-headed).

6.   Keep it short

Gatherings should be two hours or less.  The longer the duration, the risk of transmission increases.

7.   Rules for Singing, Chanting, and Shouting at Outdoor Gatherings

Singing, chanting, shouting, and physical exertion significantly increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission because these activities increase the release of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols into the air. Because of this, singing, chanting, and shouting are strongly discouraged, but if they occur, the following rules and recommendations apply:

All people who are singing or chanting should wear a face covering at all times while singing or chanting, including anyone who is leading a song or chant. Because these activities pose a very high risk of COVID-19 transmission, face coverings are essential to reduce the spread of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols;

People who are singing, shouting, chanting, or exercising are strongly encouraged to maintain physical distancing beyond 6 feet to further reduce risk.

People who are singing or chanting are strongly encouraged to do so quietly (at or below the volume of a normal speaking voice).

Instrumental music is allowed as long as the musicians maintain at least 6-foot physical distancing. Musicians must be from one of the three households.  Playing of wind instruments (any instrument played by the mouth, such as a trumpet or clarinet) is strongly discouraged.


COVID-19 continues to pose a severe risk to communities and requires all people in California to follow necessary precautions and to adapt the way they live and function in light of this ongoing risk. The safest way to gather is to spend time with people in the same household or to gather virtually.

In general, the more people from different households a person interacts with at a gathering, the closer the physical interaction is, and the longer the interaction lasts, the higher the risk that a person with a COVID-19 infection, symptomatic or asymptomatic, may spread it to others.  Public health studies have also shown that the risk of transmission is increased in indoor spaces, particularly when there isn’t appropriate ventilation.[1]  Unlike indoor spaces, wind and air in outdoor spaces can help reduce spread of the virus from one person to another.

Planning scenarios published by the CDC estimate that, on average, a person with COVID-19 goes on to infect between 2-4 people, with a best estimate of 2.5 when there are no preventive measures.[2]  For example, if each infected person spreads the virus  to two people, who in turn spread it to two others each; those four will spread the virus to eight others; those eight will spread the virus to 16; and so on.  As a result, after 10 transmission cycles, one person could be responsible for 1,024 other people contracting the virus.[3] Additionally, there is broad agreement that people who are not experiencing symptoms can still spread COVID-19[4].  The fact that COVID-19 can be spread by people who don’t have symptoms or aren’t showing symptoms yet is one of the aspects of the COVID-19 that makes it difficult to control.

All gatherings pose a higher risk of transmission and spread of COVID-19 when people mix from different households and communities. The likelihood of transmission and spread increases with laughing, singing, loud talking and difficulty maintaining physical distance. Limiting attendance at gatherings is a way to reduce the risk of spread as it lowers the number of different people who are interacting. Additionally, by limiting attendance there is an improved ability to perform effective contact tracing if there is a positive case discovered, which can help to slow the spread of COVID-19[5]. People who do choose to attend gatherings should discuss and agree upon the specific group rules before convening together.

[1] See, e.g., Hiroshi Nishiura, et al., Closed environments facilitate secondary transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (PDF), (; Hu Qian, et al., “Indoor transmission of SARS-CoV-2” ( [pre-print] published in medRxiv on April 4, 2020.

[2] See the CDC COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios web page

[3] See, e.g., Report 3: Natsuko Imai et al, WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Modelling, MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, J-IDEA, “Imperial college London, UK. Transmissibility of 2019 -n-CoV).” See also Inglesby T B JAMA Public Health Measures and the Reproduction Number of SARS-CoV-2. JAMA Network.2020.7878 (May 1, 2020).

[4] World Health Organization (WHO) Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: implications for infection prevention precautions

[5] See Harvard Health Preventing the spread of the coronavirus Social distancing, hand washing, and other preventive measures

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Page Last Updated : October 10, 2020”

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On November 2nd, 2020.

UC’s are destroying America one useful idiot at a time; how UC’s are undermining the legislative process in order to form a more perfect fascist regime.

By Alexandria Jane.

So, we’ve gone through how colleges are making students insane. Cult indoctrination is not education. The Department of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion had been forced onto college campuses that did not have the problems that EDI was supposed to solve, so they tried to create the problems themselves or just palter A LOT. Thanks to EDI, censorship is present to keep us poor, weak, fragile little fucks from fainting at the sound of a bird chirping out of tune. The purpose of EDI is to hide in plain sight that colleges and universities like UC’s are practicing pseudoscience. They have been practicing pseudoscience. By making students so retarded that they think it’s bad to challenge fairy tales like man-made global warming, white supremacy, and whether or not there are 496 genders, bad science is no longer tested. You can’t test it without being called a racist, homophobic, transphobic, climate denying, holocaust denying, AIDS denying, the-sky-is-blue denying, genocidal white supremacist or ethnic sell-out. You gotta check your privilege. Don’t speak.

Pseudoscience is science that cannot be tested. Censored science is pseudoscience. It’s bullshit.

So now we have tons of bullshit disguised as research that echo each other. And because college has made students so profoundly illiterate, the appearance of a consensus is used to persuade us that fiction is nonfiction, that the sky is lime green, and that humans are a disease that need to be eradicated. Thanos is God. We’ve taken the anti-life nature of non-secular religions and transformed them into a quasi-death cult at our colleges. Our first exhale is our original sin. All thanks the corruption of science and the deliberate corruption of education to create a generation so illiterate, so intolerant, and so self-righteous that they CAN’T be taught what science requires to be valid. Like good cult members, they constantly fall back on dogma instead of face the reality that they are highly educated stupid people.

Let’s look at how censorship on college campuses has poisoned degree programs. You can’t debate any of this shit on a college campus or you’ll be thrown out through Title IX because you’ll offend someone or be accused of harassment. Title IX is under EDI. Not a coincidence. And now law programs are setting their degree programs around this pseudoscience.

I first noticed how fishy UC law programs were in 2016, when stepping foot on any UC was surrounding yourself in a campaign for totalitarianism and a campaign against our President Trump, the only candidate who was not a UN sell-out. Stein, Sanders, fake Libertarian Mr. Gary “What-is-Allepo” Johnson, and “Vote for me because I have a vagina” Clinton were all sell-outs pushing globalist communism through gloBULL warming alarmism. Honestly, if you critically read about this scam beyond the propaganda that pollutes our fascist media and fascist colleges, it’s easy to see that this is a racketeering scam that is effectively compromises the sovereignty of many countries around the world, including the very resource-rich countries in the continent of Africa. And you can study law that endorses this crime as though it’s real. Think about that. Aiding and abetting crime is a degree program at UC’s.

But wait, there’s more. The law programs at UC’s are even more evil than you probably realize.

What has made America great? We are a democratic republic, not a democracy. A democracy is tyranny. Tyranny, unless you’re a communist wannabe leader who wants to totally control millions of people, is not good. America has avoided tyranny by setting up a government that allows a state of 12 people to have as much power and say as a state of 20 million people. Eligible voters in each state elect people they think best represent their state in order to form a more perfect union. Our government really is quite magnificent in how it was set up to protect us Americans from tyranny.

It’s naïve to believe that America is not always under attack for her resources and that internal and external forces don’t seek to undermine what prevents us from being a totalitarian state; the constitution and bill of rights. Currently, our legislative process is being undermined by courts that not only accept pseudoscientific propaganda from UC’s and other indoctrination camps: they offer law programs in this shit. The goal is to use courts to undermine our current legislative process that is supposed to give the power to voters. UC’s are actively undermining every American voter through our courts. No more peer review process. Now we’ll have judges with UCI degrees determining whether or not a climate scientist who calls a pseudoscientist a fraud has defamed the propogandist and should be punished by law instead of doing what scientists used to, DEBATE. UC’s aren’t promoting fascism in America. They’re making America fascist.

This is insubordination. Every federal worker takes an oath not to fucking insubordinate the American government. Instead of firing and arresting people for committing treason, we’re giving them billions of dollars a year in federal money. We Americans are funding the death of our democratic republic in pursuit of mad tyranny. Don’t believe me? Go to any UC and ask students, especially Political Science grad students, what they think about the electoral college. Ask student government leaders what they think about due process in cases involving alleged sexual assault. Ask them if offensive speech should be censored, and then to define offensive speech. Ask them if people should inherit family wealth or if the government should redistribute everything your family worked hard to build and acquire. Ask them if we should have borders and if illegal immigration/trafficking of little girls into sex slavery is as beautiful as their sociology professors would have them believe on a midterm. Ask them if white males are a disease, grounds for rewriting what white males created in America: the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Ask them about what equality is and what steps should be taken to promote and ensure equality. If you have weapons at home, lock them up, because these edumacated stupid people will probably make you want to kill yourself out of horror and despair.

Let’s take a look at UC law departments, programs, and trusty fascist library research guides:

“Students develop practical legal skills through public interest work in core clinics including appellate litigation; community and economic development; criminal justice; domestic violence; environmental law; immigrant rights; intellectual property, arts, technology; and international justice. The school also offers elective clinics in topics such as fair employment and housing rights; civil rights litigation; international human rights; reproductive justice; and startup and small business issues.

The School of Law also is highly interdisciplinary, with many faculty members holding joint appointments across the campus. Students can take courses in other fields and can earn joint degrees in almost any area. A robust array of programs complements the school’s curriculum including speaker series and a myriad of student organizations.

The school received its founding gift from the Donald Bren Foundation to endow 10 faculty chairs and a dean’s chair. It also received generous support from the Joan Irvine Smith and Athalie R. Clarke Foundation and Mark P. Robinson Jr.

The school was granted full accreditation from the American Bar Association in June 2014.

UCI Law is No. 21 in the U.S. News and World Report ranking of Best Law Schools. U.S. News & World Report also ranks UCI Law:

No. 5 for best student/faculty ratio in the top 25

Top 13 for Student Diversity

No. 13 for Clinical Training

No. 21 for Intellectual Property Law [1]”

Seems kind of harmless if you’ve never actually thought about what some of these topics mean or the various totalitarian ways in which these topics can be used to strip every American of any legal rights to protect us from a tyrannical government.

Divsersity does not mean diversity of thought at UC’s. The following statements sound nice until you realize that what is really being built here is a wall to protect pseudoscience from being exposed for the fraud that we’re funding for billions of dollars a year to undermine our great country. Applying this lack of diversity of thought into law is applying one ideology into a government regime that uses courts to undermine legislature and turn our courts into a tyrannical quasi legislature.

“Diversity in the Libraries

“Diversity is a dynamic tapestry rather than a static list of attributes. Every person is a complex individual with multiple overlapping identities. The UCI Libraries recognizes the value of each individual based on unique characteristics which may include commonly acknowledged measures of diversity such as ethnicity, race, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, physical abilities, and religion. We also recognize and appreciate that diversity extends beyond these measures to include many other characteristics related to experience, cultural heritage, personality type, learning style, and much more. [2]”

— from the UCI Libraries Diversity Statement

 “The UCI Libraries celebrates diversity in its users, staff, collections and resources. We are dedicated to providing an environment where everyone feels welcomed, valued and respected. As the intellectual crossroads for the campus, we work diligently to develop, and make available, collections and services that support the diverse needs of the UCI community.”

— Lorelei Tanji, University Librarian [3]”

Now, enter law programs where you can’t question what you’re taught. Seriously, I’d wonder how such vile corruption and treason could be so blatantly out in the open if we didn’t have criminals running the White House for the past twenty years until Trump was elected. If Trump continues to fund this treason, I suppose that’s evidence to support Trump being a criminal too.

Let’s look at some course descriptions. Being a freedom-loving artist myself, the last course is particularly repulsive on so many levels. We really are very close to the dystopia that Ayn Rand depicted in Atlas Shrugged, all thanks to social justice:

CRM/LAW C275 SEC 1 – Critical Identity Theory

This course will broadly engage the study of anti-subordination legal movements that arose out of the traditions of American legal realism and Critical Legal Studies.  Particular attention will be paid to germinal writings in Critical Race Theory (CRT), feminist legal theory, law and sexuality, law and socioeconomic class, and Latina/o Critical (LATCRIT) Theory.  We will also engage the results of a number of sociolegal studies of law and identity.  The course will be organized around exploring a set of questions related to the legal significance of identity.  For example, we will explore the following questions:  In what ways does the law define, dismiss, or privilege certain identities?  How does law influence our understandings and experiences of identity? What are the potential and limits of law to challenge subordination and remedy inequality?  How do individuals and groups construct their identities in connection with or in opposition to the law?

This is a Winter 2019 main campus quarter class. The class is offered for 4 quarter units which equates to 2.6 semester units for law students. There is an option to enroll in a 0.4 unit independent study to make the total units for the class 3.0. To enroll in this quarter class you must submit the online academic petition to enroll in a quarter class. Once approved by Professor Gustafson please submit to the Law School Registrar for processing. You will not be able to enroll in this class via LawReg.

If you will be enrolling in the additional 0.4 unit independent study, you must submit a separate online academic request for an independent study with Professor Gustafson. Professor Gustafson must sign the petition and it should then be submitted to the Law School Registrar for processing. You will receive the class and authorization codes to add the independent study via LawReg.

LAW 5300 SEC 1 – Identity, Power & Professional Responsibility

Identity, Power & Professional Responsibility will broadly examine how both traditionally marginalized group members and dominant group members navigate their identities in predominantly white professions. Students will explore existing identity performance strategies that are prominent in the law –such as assimilation, covering, and passing–that “outsiders” (e.g., women, people of color, LGBTQ, persons with disabilities) use to communicate with “insiders” (commonly white, heterosexual males), as well as the role of white privilege in the legal profession. This course will engage students in an interdisciplinary view of identity performance, and expose them to in-depth communication practices that can actually facilitate conscious identity performance before their legal careers even begin. Students will complete an upper level or scholarly writing on an identity performance strategy or related issue.

LAW 5310 SEC 1 – Supreme Court & Public Policy

This course examines the role of the U.S. Supreme Court in public policy, and how constitutional interpretation affects and impacts policy making. The course will explore normative and scholarly debates on judicial activism and constitutional interpretation, theories of judicial politics and decision making, judicial impact, and critical approaches. Substantively, the course will explore the broader political and policy context of the Court’s decisions in the following areas: federalism, executive power, civil rights, abortion, LGBTQ rights, campaign finance and voting rights, economic rights/labor rights, immigration, and affirmative action.

LAW 5681 SEC 1 – Law and Social Movements

Transformative social movements generate shared understanding that the problems of climate change, racism and all social injustice, economic inequality, and our challenged democracy are connected. They also view the solutions as intertwined. Participants in this seminar will survey and examine the relationships between law and transformative social movements, both the actual collaborations between lawyers and groups of political activists, as well as the work of lawyers as political activists. The seminar brings the frameworks and practices of transformative social movements together with approaches to lawyering that protect, defend, and embolden movements for racial, social, and environmental justice, both here and abroad. The seminar then focuses on six living case studies of specific communities across the United States that view themselves as part of a “just transition” to community ownership and deep democracy for climate, racial, economic, and social justice. Seminar participants will gain understanding of the gaps, challenges, and opportunities for stronger integration of movement organizers and movement lawyers in crafting a just transition.

LAW 5304 SEC 1 – Disparate LGBTIQ Criminalization & Incarceration

LGBTIQ (lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and questioning) persons are substantially more likely to be incarcerated, and substantially more likely to be abused once incarcerated, than heterosexual cisgender persons. This course will familiarize students with the legal mechanisms that lead to disparate criminal justice outcomes for LGBTIQ persons, and includes relevant constitutional law, California law, data, policy, and academic work in the intersections of race, income, gender, gender identity/expression, and sexual orientation; and, encourage students to explore potential changes in law and policy to reduce such disparities.

The course syllabus includes:

-Academic work regarding disparate criminal profiling of LGBTIQ persons;

-Qualitative and quantitative research on disparate policing of LGBTIQ persons–especially persons of color and transgender/gender nonconforming persons;

-Relevant Fourth Amendment cases regarding reasonable suspicion for stings, stops, and detentions of LGBTIQ persons profiled by police;

-Academic work regarding abuse of incarcerated LGBTIQ persons, including segregated housing, lack of adequate medical care, denial of access to programming, rape, and hypermasculinity in incarcerated populations;

-Relevant sections of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) that apply specifically to LGBTIQ populations;

-Bureau of Justice Statistics data collected under PREA on the rape and sexual abuse of incarcerated LGBTIQ persons;

-Relevant Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment cases regarding safety, housing, and medical care of LGBTIQ persons, including the (now rescinded) Department of Justice guidance on housing of transgender persons;

-Relevant Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment equal protection cases regarding disparate treatment of incarcerated LGBTIQ persons;

-Relevant California law including non-discrimination provisions, the criminal code, and the Racial and Identity Profiling Act;

-Recent policy changes in jail and prison facilities’ treatment of LGBTIQ persons in response to community and legal advocacy and litigation.

The course may also include guest speakers from the community to discuss their own experiences of being profiled, incarcerated, and advocacy work to change law and policy around LGBTIQ criminal justice issues

LAW 5566 SEC 1 – The Inclusion Rider and Other Strategies for Advancing Equity in the Workplace

This course will explore a handful of key strategies for advancing equity in the workplace, including the instructor’s work on the Inclusion Rider for film and television and the role of litigation in workplace equality. [4]”

Emmett Institute on Climate Change & the Environment at UCLA is creating the next generation of fascists, a direct assault on our democratic republic that does nothing but hurt the environment and push a racketeering scam that kills people through disease, cold, and terrorism. Taxpayer funded treason. Useful idiots of course won’t admit to being duped. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful tool. Make sure to check out their anti-energy independence section called “Recent Publications”. These useful idiots are talented, that’s for sure. What a waste of talent and brains. This makes UC’s all the more awful. They’re diverting talent from being great discovers into being mediocre, of having less value than janitors when it comes to us working towards an actual greater good. At least the janitor is doing something of value. UC’s have made janitors have more value than professors. [5]

I could go on and on. UC Davis, holy shit! But I can’t say “Holy Shit” because I could be referring to cow shit and obviously cow farts are causing catastrophic global warming; I might offend someone. Luckily, Davis offers courses to help us mitigate the effects of cow farts on the apocalypse that is mankind and departments of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion is there to protect the weak-minded from being offended by monsters like myself while the entirety of UC’s works tirelessly to keep students weak and intolerant cult members.

UC’s must be defunded to preserve America and protect our country from fascism and totalitarian communism. Our country wouldn’t be in the shape that it’s in if colleges were teaching students how to think, not what to think. What UC’s are doing, how they are exploiting human nature and capping talent by creating pseudoscientific degree programs that render human goodness totally useless and worthless is vile all by itself. Compare this to the goal of the total insubordination of Americans by aiming to use courts to undermine our legislative process, I honestly don’t know which is worse. They both aim replace our mental freedom with government, a true zombie apocalypse.

Science and discovery depend on free speech. Our freedom as Americans depends on free speech. What happens when free speech is limited for any reason? The propaganda that colleges are producing to undermine every aspect of America that protects us from a tyrannous government is what can happen. And it already is.

[1] University of California, Irvine, (2019). School of Law. UCI. Retrieved from:

[2] University of California, Irvine, (2019). Library: Diversity in the Libraries. Retrieved from:

[3] University of California, Irvine, (2019). Library: Diversity in the libraries: our commitment.

[4] School of Law, University of California, Irvine, (2019). Course Catalog. Retrieved from:

Here are links to two course catalog PDF’s:

Fall 2017

Spring 2018

[5] University of California, Los Angeles, (2019). Emmett Institute on Climate Change & the Environment. Retrieved from:

[6] Mitloehner, F. (2016). Livestock and climate change. College of Agriculture and Environmental sciences, UC Davis. Retrieved from:

More on Equity Riders here:,, and

Here is what the research looks like:

Click to access MDSCI_CARD_Report_FINAL_Exec_Summary.pdf

Click to access Dr_Stacy_L_Smith-Inequality_in_900_Popular_Films.pdf

Click to access MDSCI_Inequality_in_800_Films_FINAL.pdf sdsemihidden1

Social Justice Mental Slavery and Cult indoctrination, part III

Destroying America one college at a time.

By Alexandria Jane

Part II adequately illustrated how Social Justice Summits are widespread across the United States, integrated into various private, federally funded, secular, and non-secular institutions of supposed “learning”. These social justice summits are open to college students, faculty, citizens, and non-citizens. These summits demonstrate how Social Justice has metastasized across the US and why ‘protestors” who pander to fake news all say the same thing. That’s not a consensus. That’s manufactured propaganda to recruit more cult members into destroying the United States of America, even if they don’t realize it.

So briefly, I’m going to go over the last Social Justice Summit at Cal State Fullerton if you didn’t check out the PDF that I had in the links. Remember the game that I had suggested? I had demonstrated a pattern that illustrated how Social Justice Summits mirror the United Nations Sustainable and Development goals, not any homegrown activism from here in America. The CIA generally hijacks and thwarts real activism here anyways, with the help of mainstream media.

Hmmmmmm. What would a Social Justice Summit at Cal State Fullerton address? Unity? Finding common ground? Exploring and developing character and other intrinsic values that bring us together instead of focusing on the visible so that stupid people can divide themselves on appearance and tear us apart? Do you think they lump all Muslims together and assume they’re all from Iran when the reality is that Muslims are extremely diverse and not a race, that they spread the lie that Trump is anti-Muslim, not anti-radical Islam? Do you think that the entire summit is covert anti-Trump propaganda because Orange Man Bad?

Let’s take a look at the Cal State Fullerton 2018 Social Justice Summit menu. [1]

Asia Jackson held a talk about #MAGADANGMORENX. Trigger warning: the use of the letter X often signifies that a person is a totally fucking insane misandrous bitch who believes that the patriarchy is at fault for the world’s problems. White cis-male European white supremacists are a disease. Get rid of the male gender that is present in languages with Latin roots so you can be a victim. Moreno means “brown”. Morenx generally means “stupid fucking racist feminist’. (I really like Asia Jackson, so I’m not calling her names. Generally, the people I’ve met who think the alphabet oppresses them have been the most hateful, bigoted, and intolerant.)

Filipinos are brilliant people. If I was Filipino, I’d be proud of being Filipino because Filipino people are some of the kindest, brightest, and most humble people you will ever meet. Then Social Justice happened. Perhaps the UN has been destroying education in the Philippines like they’re doing everywhere else, dumbing down a culturally and historically rich population to the point that the only thing they can find pride in is their skin color. Have Filipinos become this stupid, racist, and divisive that they must find pride in whatever aspect of their appearance allows them to separate themselves from others so they can feel victimized and antagonized? I honestly can’t believe this. Maybe young people who’ve been edumacated by UNESCO might love MAGADANMORENX because it’s in line with their edumacation and fake news. I cannot believe that adult Filipinos are finding pride in their skin color. I’ve never met a racist Filipino.

The UN and their department of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion henchmen look for any evidence of racism to justify their totalitarian policies to “fight racism” where it doesn’t exist. Being a coalminer or a chimney sweep is now racist. No wonder bullying would be turned into racism. Everything is racist.

UNESCO is ensuring everything is racist. And who are rewarding? People like Asia Jackson who are spreading racism, but she’s not white, so it isn’t racist. This is Social Justice logic. I wish I was making this up. I’m deeply saddened by this. We all share humanity, and humanity isn’t defined by superficial shit like pigment.

Asia, you experienced bullying. Bullying is bullying is bullying. It’s often the result of kids not being allowed to express their aggression and anger as if that energy just goes away. It finds another outlet. Honestly, if all any kid has against you is your skin color, you must be a pretty fantastic person. Because if they had anything that they could really hurt you with, they’d use it. [2]

I was bullied. I know. I was a bedwetter until I was 17 years old in an extremely dysfunctional family. I lived in constant shame and fear. I’d still be bullied even if I wasn’t a bedwetter then because my parents weren’t parents. My siblings and I were trapped with our anger from abuse. We weren’t parented. We weren’t taught to self-parent, to cope. The violence that was trapped in us that our parents ignored resulted in bullying. That anger needed a release. I was an easy target for bullies at school because I already believed I was worthless. Bullying, like addiction, is the behavior, not the object. Replacing bullying with “colorism” enables bullying. I’m sorry that you were bullied. You didn’t deserve it. You don’t deserve it. Being proud of skin color doesn’t change what is causing the bullying in the first place. Bullies will simply find something else to bully you about until they resolve their hurt and anger.

Meanwhile, you are being used to justify more totalitarian policies disguised as fighting racism on college campuses. You are being used.     

There was a workshop on foster youths. I would have actually liked to attend this workshop. I honestly should have ended up in foster care. My father measures his parenting success by the fact that somehow I didn’t die, even though, thanks to him, I thought I was going to die over and over again year after year. Taking me away, I probably would have loved it. And being moved from home to home, not being loved, I was already used to it. [1]

Foster youths are a population that definitely need to be addressed. I want to speculate about how this talk could be used to push for more socialism, more us versus them, more racism. I can’t believe the foster care system is allowed to exist the way it does, allowed to constantly rip children from foster home to foster home, ensuring psychological problems and developmental problems by destroying any secure attachments over and over again. Siblings are often separated. It breaks my heart to know this is happening. Still, I also know that this is better than what a lot of kids are removed from their homes for. I can’t believe what people do to kids. I really hope Social Justice isn’t exploiting them. If they’re being talked about at a Social Justice Summit, they probably are.

Pain and anger in the LGBTQ community. I can empathize with a lot of the pain that people feel. I do find LGBTQ history fascinating. It’s good to have tools to deal with pain and anger. Rejection hurt. Stereotypes sting. The absolute worst is when your parents are super religious and discard you like refuse because you can’t lie to yourself or anyone anymore. Abandonment hurts. Fortunately, we can heal and move on, find people who see us for who we are and will love us unrelentingly. The loss of family and loved ones because you’re different, it’s still a loss. We must grieve or that wound where we severed them will fester forever. [1]

I don’t like how the LGBTQ community is being used to undermine the Bill of Rights by Social Justice Warriors. The LGBTQ community is highly diverse and don’t all agree with the UN narrative about Social Justice. Do they talk about the married gay couples who are Republican who understand that a private business owner can refuse to do their wedding cake because the first amendment protects his religious freedom? How about “Trannies for Trump”? How about all of the LGBTQ who are strong, who know who they are, and are resilient, whom Social Justice Warriors want to make feel victimized so they can control their behavior to change their thinking? Conservatives want freedom to be who they are, to believe what they want to believe, and to say what they want to say without the interference of the government. Shocking that people who are sexually nonconformists would be conservative, right?

Feel pain and anger for not being straight. We have the solution to your pain and anger. Join the Cult of Social Justice.

I can empathize a lot with this pain. I’m never good enough for evangelicals who pray for me because I reject their non-secular racketeering scams that are all about breeding and controlling people. Abandonment is abandonment. Funny how religions of love and acceptance are so consistently adamant about rejecting non-believers, just like the cult Social Justice. When it’s your family and they reject you for some stupid fairy tale, that hurts. If I was your mom, I’d choose you.

Step up to rape culture. This talk is about the “pervasive and normalization of sexual violence in our society.” There is a “violence prevention educator”. Does she advise girls to not binge drink at parties because that’s victim blaming? Does she tell women that regret sex is rape? Does she tell you that you can decide after the fact if sex was rape, like if you hooked up with a black guy and your parent are racists fucks who found a photo of you and this guy in bed while checking your Instragram, so you say he raped you so your parents will keep paying your tuition? Everyone knows that men are violent rapists, especially black men, right? Funny thing is that this isn’t true, unless you watched “The Hunting Ground”, a CNN production. Three of the four accused college students were black men. Who’s going to question that black men are bad? It worked for Susan Smith after she deliberately drowned her kids so that she could free herself up for her lover. She was carjacked by a black man, remember? Black is bad. It’s not like anyone who’s falsely accused of rape won’t have due process, right? Oh, wait. They don’t if they’re college students, even if they aren’t actually on campus when the regret sex occurred, if it occurred at all. Males are always the oppressors. If two drunk students have sex, the male is the guilty one. So what happens if it’s a hook up between to gay men? Send them to the LGBTQ workshop on pain and anger? (If you can’t read sarcasm, I was employing sarcasm in the last paragraph.) [1]

There is no campus rape culture. There is an attack on due process that relies on this myth to justify the loss of basic civil liberties for college students, a path to totalitarianism.

On the surface, these summit workshops seem like they care about people. What they really are creating are agencies that recruit Social Justice Cult members and pave the way for the UN to take over America through policy without resistance; treason.

Google Social Justice Summits. You’ll find beta males talking to their audience as though everyone is in agreement that Orange Man Bad.

The First Alaskan Institute held a summit. Remember, Obummer used identity politics and anti-white Native American victimhood lore to dupe Americans into becoming energy impotent by setting aside oil-rich land for some emotional fairy tale. We were sold out to the UN by Obummer. He and Hillary murdered Pan-African leaders who were actively seeking economic independence from the World Bank so Europe and China couldn’t steal their money and resources any more. Couldn’t let Africa be free. Nope. The UN is like a mafia. The crime disguised as policy and aid is abominable. Native Americans were duped onto this scam by allowing their land to be off limits to oil drilling so that we would be dependent on foreign nations for energy, making us vulnerable to economic extortion just like the continent of Africa. So when Trump undoes Obummer’s treason, Native Americans aren’t going to say they were duped. Orange Man Bad. Orange Man doesn’t like non-white men. Cheeto-face is anti-Native America. Not true. Orange Man loves America and everyone in it. Try searching for this summit in YouTube. I wasn’t able to access the link like I normally can. See for yourself. I wouldn’t recommend watching this if you’re suicidal or trying to be sober, because it’s painful.  [3]

Oil drilling is clean and safe. Go to the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles or Santa Barbara where large amounts of oil, tar, and methane naturally “pollute” the Earth if you think that a little oil is so bad. The coast of Santa Barbara has an entire ecosystem that exists because of its constant flow of oil. We’re fed so much bullshit about oil to make us against it, to be against American economic independence. You can listen to this bullshit at social justice summits.

I do want to stress that some social justice summits do have important speakers that I urge you to listen to and explore their works. Unfortunately, red herring propaganda manages to alter the course of research and activism that many of these people undertake. It’s disappointing to hear someone I admire refer to propaganda that I’ve mentioned in previous posts. I’d like these summits to be set up as debates so there can be more than one side to the story, where bad philosophy is no longer insulated.

I listened to the “Peace and Justice Summit: Mass Incarceration” Social Justice Summit hosted by the Equal Justice Initiative. I do recommend listening to it even though the direction of this talk hurts Black people more than it helps any of us human beings who just want to love and be loved without bigotry. [4]

I admired Michelle Alexander for writing the “New Jim Crow”. Her work validated a lot of what I’ve witnessed in my life. Then she flatlined and began to echo propaganda indicative of what I consider to be the cultish nature of the UN-controlled Democrat party and treasonous edumacation; she’s a professor. She now has an op-ed column for the New York Times, which every literate person knows is garbage. In a way, Alexander broke my heart. She’s now supporting an evil totalitarian agenda that hurts Black men the most. Seriously, when will Black men ever get a fucking break in America?

Sherrilyn Ilfill is why you should listen to this talk. What she brings to the table is important. I hope that she takes what she knows about the terrorism of lynching and compares it to what social justice is doing to anyone who challenges UN propaganda today. Terror is terror, regardless of context. What she describes is happening today. Her next book could be about colorblind lynching, about HR 4030 and the removal of due process for the accused…AGAIN. Sexual assault allegations with no evidence, what the Title IX Protection Act celebrates, is the new rope. The MeToo movement that stresses “Always believe women” and intersectionality theory are what knock the ground from under your feet so you’ll hang.

No one mentioned the 13th amendment exception clause. Unbelievable. The attack on local police is in fact a push for federalizing police which means that federal laws will be followed, not state laws. So bye-bye medical and recreational marijuana and hello prison. Bye-bye community-based policing and hello federal police. Federal policing gives simply too much power to the federal government. One law across the entire country, like a redesigned and repackaged SS. Ideal for totalitarian Nazis like Bernie Sanders and every Democrat in California. (Democratic Socialism is National Socialism which is where the word Nazi comes from.) Not good for anyone who wants freedom and policing that reflects state law and state voters, assuming that the attorney general who writes the ballot titles isn’t a treasonous piece of shit from California who’s running for president who deliberately misleads voters with oxymoronic ballot initiative titles. She is why prisons should exist. She should be in one.  

Police don’t make the laws that they’re employed to follow. Legislators do. Focusing on the police is just stupid. This ensures that nothing will ever be solved. In fact, things have improved so much that fake news terrorizes black people to make them so afraid that they’re more likely to react in a way that could get them shot by police so the police can continue to be shit on. Enough already! Focusing on police officers with misleading information from mainstream media is not going to do shit other than cause more stress, more shootings, and more police suicides, not like Social Justice warriors care about “pigs in a blankety, fry’m like bacon” when a cop dies. We need to have local police, not federal police. Our freedom depends on it. All of us.   

Listening to this talk reminds me of how Kanye West said that slavery was a choice. Listening to anyone support policies and belief systems that I know hurt Black people, especially Black men, confirms his statement to be true. This summit confirms that he’s right. No wonder media attacked him saying he’s mentally ill and his words are hurtful to black people. Nope. Classic gaslighting by the media to keep us all stupid. Kanye West is right. Listening to Michelle Alexander babble and Sherrilyn Ifill mention white supremacy is proof. They chose who they are

These Social Justice Summits spawn racism and xenophobia, not stop it. All to enable greedy totalitarian globalists who want to destroy America by throwing white people under the bus. That’s racist. That the UN.

And these people are supporting the very agenda that they call “White Supremacy”. How’s that for getting a slave to choose to stay on the Democrat plantation. This is what social justice does to everyone, regardless of color. The first slaves on American soil were Native American. Revenue and rum from Native American slavery paid for African sales. There were slaves of every color. Slavery is about slavery, not color. We all deserve better.

By the way, you can have a mental disorder and be sane, so fuck you mainstream media.

[1] California State University Fullerton, (2018). Social Justice Summit. Titans Together. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[2] Jackson, A. (2018). #ItsAGirlThing #MagadangMorenx, Being Dark Skinned In The Philippines | Colorism In Asia. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[3] First Alaskan Institute, (2018). 2018 Social Justice Summit-Day 1 Welcome. YouTube. (Link not accessible. I’ve been trying for days. I only get the spinning circle of doom in a white box.)

[4] Equal Justice Initiative, (2018). Peace and Justice Summit: Mass Incarceration. YouTube. Retrieved from:

My notes from EJI social justice summit

Yes, America was built on slavery. The work of remembrance, memory can be tainted, as Loftus teaches. Can’t have reconciliation without truth. While our schools are filling our heads with lies that Michelle Alexander echoes preventing repairing harm caused by the past. Celebrating removing statues and replacing them with revisionist history museums. We aren’t sweeping history under the rug. We’re revising history and keeping fairy tales in plain sight.

I transcribed a portion of the talk. My notes aren’t preceded by initials. MA is Michelle Alexander. SI is Sherrilyn Ifill. Most of what Michelle Alexander was just mindless regurgitated dogma.

MA “We as our nation, our collective subconscious, as well as all of those who are intent on preserving white supremacy and racial hierarchy, will rebirth these systems of racial and social control over and over again.”

She’s right that America needs to be born again without slavery. Ironically, everything that she and the party she’s devoted to are intent on preventing this rebirth, in fact, making things even worse.

 SI: 2018, 150th anniversary of the 14th amendment. lies that became part of the story of the reconstruction period, and how we’re still dealing with it. “This year is the 150th anniversary of the 14th amendment to the Constitution, and we had a conference earlier this week in Philadelphia and we had a whole panel on reconstruction, and just talking about what happened in reconstruction, what got papered over, what got turned, the compromises that were made, the stories that were created to explain what the confederacy was, the kinds of lies that became part of the national story in that period, and how much we are still dealing with the consequences of the decisions that were made during that period. And my engagement with this issue of lynching really compelled me to thing about this question of remembering because I found that I was, in my work as a young civil rights lawyer at the Legal Defense Fund, constantly bumping into this history in communities where I was litigating cases. I’d be litigating a case on voting-rights cases, as I was in Oklahoma in 1991, and part of litigating these cases requires you to present evidence about the history of discrimination in that community. And that was when I first learned about the Tulsa Race Riots. It was these stories that African Americans would tell me about some racial pogrom, some lynching, some act of violence that happened in the past that for them was a defining moment in the history of that community. And when I moved and starting doing work in Maryland, and I started working on a case involving transportation access, I was asked about the history of discrimination and I learned from those conversations about two lynchings that happened in that 1930’s in those communities. Couldn’t find any evidence that they happened, but there were these very detailed stories about these events. And I started that project of trying to excavate that history. And in 2003, I wrote an article called, “Creating a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Lynching.”

Authored, “On the Courthouse Lawn: Confronting the Legacy of Lynching in the 21st Century.”

Lynching “terrible incidents that happened in these communities of absolute betrayal of the justice system in which, you know, people all over the community were complicit in witnessing these events, in which men were railroaded and accused of the worst crimes that they did not commit, in which families were in some instances so afraid that they wouldn’t even come and collect the bodies of their loved ones, in which communities were terrorized by the presentation of lynching victims. I mean, this was a message crime that terrorized communities, and that message was received by those communities, and that message still lived on, even when I was visiting those communities in the 1990’s and in the early eighties and still to this day. So until we go back and recognize what happened, talk about what happened, and unsend that message-you know on a computer, you try to get a message back, it’s really hard. We need to do that project and, you know, and to get a message back, it’s really hard. We need to do that project and, you know, and I’ll say in the book that I wrote, I said, this needs to happen in the black community and the white community, because this is, this is, their role in lynching actually continues to resonate today as well, and it resonates in what we see in the criminal justice system and what we see in the kinds of ways in which stories are told about who perpetrators are and who victims are and who law enforcement is and when you can question law enforcement and when you can’t. That’s, we inherited that. And they inherited that. And so we need to go back and excavate that.”

I agree. You can look at Social Justice today and how “vegan” lynchings occur today and compare them to the public lynchings of the past that still haunt those who lived in fear of them. Instead, you endorse vegan lynchings.

Michelle Alexander is dumb. If white supremacy exists, she’s obviously their tool. No mention of the 13th amendment.

Abuse is used to control. The side effect is that it makes people smarter and more motivated to fight for their freedom when they communicate with each other and validate that abuse is occurring to them, which means that the abuser must resort to more violent and brutal psychological terrorist tactics.

She says “Say her name”. She’s part of an agenda that is against black men and is to make black people afraid of white people and the police. There are new ways to lynch men, and these two support an agenda that will continue this anti-male legacy.

Alexander believes in intersectionality theory.

There was no “after slavery.”

Social Justice Summits and Social Justice Degree Programs: Cult Recruitment and Indoctrination Across America. Part 2

By Alexandria Jane. We see that there is a pattern of homegrown terrorism across the United States that seems to coincidentally be choc full of college students and “liberal” professors. Hmmm. What is the connection? Social Justice Summits. You know, there are even Social Justice Summits for the tech industry? [20 , 21] Let us start with Social Justice in academia, the mentally ilLiberal military industrial complex. Social Justice is like the looking glass that you go through to leave the world of science, philosophy, and freedom to enter a totalitarian world drunk with indoctrination instead of education. And schools that don’t prioritize indoctrination are bad for the world. ‘So social justice is untidy, exhausting, discouraging, even dangerous work—which may be the reason why it’s not on the top ten list of social studies projects in many schools. Better to have kids build a model of a rancho (a group of huts for housing ranch workers) or recreate a potlatch (a festival ceremony practiced by the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest) and be done with it. [1]’ ‘In the best-case scenarios, the adults encourage rather than avoid authentic conversations about our collective dilemmas—human rights, environmental protection, economic justice, violence. They embrace the inevitable question, What can we do about it? and teach students to act. Younger students may not be able to define social justice, but they can list the attributes that we value in human relationships: friendship, responsibility, equality, fairness, mutual support, collaboration, and caring. With a little prompting, older students enlarge their sphere of concern, zeroing in on injustice related to socioeconomic status, exploitation, and the abuses of power. They probably won’t use those words, but they’ll recognize the issues. They’ll notice for example, that certain ethnicities seem to be overrepresented on the homeless rolls in their own town and underrepresented in the local power structure or that hotel workers risk their jobs to demonstrate for a living wage, but the subject is aggressively ignored at city council meetings. And now that classrooms have Internet access, it won’t take long for students to discover sweatshops, child labor, hazardous waste, discrimination, and the devastation of the natural environment on a global scale. [1]’ ‘I’ve used Hoose’s book dozens of times, with adults and children, and the reaction is always the same—awe and discontent. Students recognize that these kids are doing something real and important. That’s the awe factor. But they’re filled with questions: Could I do that? Would I? Are there problems like that in my community? How could I find them? Do I have the courage to act? A new standard of behavior replaces the status quo, and kids wonder whether they can measure up. That’s what causes the discontent, and it’s a perfect platform for action. [1]’ ‘As educators, we hold the next generation of voters, politicians, and corporate leaders in our hands. Teaching students about interdependence and responsibility through social action is a lesson that can stick. Active, inquisitive citizenship can begin when kids are very young. They should act out early and often, until championing worthy causes becomes a habit they can’t break. You won’t regret a minute you spend guiding your students to discover their roles as stewards of the environment and champions of human rights. [1]’ Changing the behavior of kids is a tool to change their thinking; indoctrination. So, if you have kids, you might want to think about homeschooling. If that’s impossible, know what your kids are reading and doing in school. Maybe offer supplemental activities to offset the mind fuck that is the business-model style of edumacation. Ideally, the Department of Edumacation would be abolished. That bill will be dead at 12:00 am, 01/01/2019. Good try, though. This basic structure of Social Justice edumacation is present across the United States at Social Justice Summits. Briefly, Social Justice Summits are sometimes week long events with a variety of workshops and outings that fall along the theme of cultural Marxism disguised as addressing racism, sexism, feminism, transphobia, Islamophobia, disability, mass incarceration, the environment, borders, hate, intersectionality, and Palestine. There are even Social Justice Summits at religious schools. Jesus was a Marxist. So, let’s go through a small list of some events: Social Justice Summit: Emotional Journey toward movement and belonging. The University of St. Thomas, Minnesota. Division of Student Affairs; Student Diversity and inclusion services. Social Justice Summit; emotional journey toward movement and belonging. Facilitated by: Filmmaker and Racial Equity Educator Dr. Shakti Butler. University of St. Thomas. Theme: Emotional Journey toward Movement and Belonging. While human beings function both rational and emotional levels, emotions are the heart of our energy, commitment, and motivations. As we live in a culture in which racism and privilege are universal, how do we then manage our emotional response and be understood through these multiple dimensions. Overarching Learning outcomes, after attending the social justice retreat, participants will: Deepen their understanding of the dynamics of oppression and historically marginalized groups, cultures and systems Reflect and develop problem solving and critical thinking skills within a social justice framework Increase intercultural intelligence and develop confidence in their ability to have deeper conversations about diversity Deepen their empathy for themselves and others [2] Social Justice Summit. CSUSM. Cal State University of San Marcos. Participants will explore and challenge personal perceptions and social norms through experiential activities, individual reflections, and group dialogues. Through the experience and learning of SJS, students will: Become aware of cycles of socialization and oppression. Increase their awareness of personal identity within the context of multiple types of cultures. Recognize their personal connection with systems of power and privilege. Gain knowledge of the distinct difference between equality and equity. Form relationships and support networks with other individuals committed to social justice. Develop skills to become socially conscious leaders and community members. Mission: In the spirit of community, the Social Justice Summit will set the foundation for individuals to explore diversity, become aware of the existence and impact of oppression, and initiate sustainable change, both in self and society. Participants will engage in work that creates a paradigm shift in thought and action to attain an equitable society free of oppression. [3] And if registration is full, you can always follow the links on the registration page to the Cross-Cultural Center, the Black Student Center, the Gender Equity Center, the Latin@ Center because the O represents the oppressive cis-gendered patriarchy and we’re all victims and oppressors, and the LGBTQA Pride Center. Cross-Cultural Centers, that will have to be a story for later. Cross-Cultural Centers are like the witch’s house made of cookies and candies to lure children in and throw them in the oven to made into Marxist pie. Any student in any major can become mentally ill without having to study Sociology, Gender Studies, or Marxist philosophy and communist ethics. With any luck, they’ll change their majors or add a minor in cult insanity. “Will there be gender neutral restrooms? “Gender neutral restrooms are available in the private rooms.” [4] At the Social Justice Summit at the University of Florida: Social justice refers to identifying and understanding social power dynamics and social inequalities that result in some social groups having privilege, power, and access; and others being disadvantaged, oppressed, and denied access. Social justice promotes cross-cultural interactions and demands that all people; regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social class, gender identity and expression, language, national origin, worldview (religion, spirituality, and other values), physical or mental (dis)ability, or education; have a right to basic human dignity and have their basic needs met. It involves social actors who have a sense of their own agency to make an impact, as well as a sense of social responsibility toward and with others and to society as a whole through engaging in allyship. We envision a long term look at issues of justice, with this year’s theme, Allyship: Identify, Interact, & Impact. Allyship entails using power and privilege to leverage resources and access for underrepresented groups, consciously breaking down barriers, and actively challenging the status quo of structural oppression to promote social justice. Our tagline, For the Gator Good, is congruent with our gator culture that supports social justice, encourages accountability for all to be invested, and acknowledges that social advocacy is the responsibility of all Gators. Together we can make a change; together For the Gator Good. At Kalamazoo College: On January 17-19, 2013, the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership hosted a summit that brought together social justice scholars, thought leaders, activists, and program directors from the United States, Kenya, and South Africa to examine the integration of social justice into higher education. Two “Summit” events, a documentary film screening and a luncheon, were open to the public. “Numerous colleges and universities have established social justice centers, institutes, offices, programs, schools, and prizes,” said Lisa Brock, academic director for Kalamazoo College’s Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership (ACSJL), and a “Summit” organizer. “Some have missions focused on social transformation and curricular infusion, while others concentrate on community involvement, solution-based research, and/or global engagement. Most are dedicated to some combination of these practices, and all work in some ways on progressive social change,” she said. “Although there have been many conferences to discuss social justice and public engagement, this is the first time these topics will be discussed by directors and leaders in the field of social justice.” The documentary film Mountains That Take Wing—Angela Davis & Yuri Kochiyama was screened in the Recital Hall Theatre, Light Fine Arts Building, on Jan. 17 at 7:00 p.m. “Mountains” chronicles 13 years in the lives of two women who share a passion for social justice: scholar-activist Angela Davis, and grassroots community activist and 2005 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Yuri Kochiyama. A conversation with filmmakers C.A. Griffith and H.L.T Quan follows the screening. “Beyond Heroes and Holidays: Social Justice Leaders Reflect on the Civil Rights Movement,” was the theme of a luncheon discussion on Friday Jan. 18, 12:00 to 2:30 p.m. in the Hicks Student Center banquet room. Summit members examined the values and work of three very different leaders of the Civil Rights movement—Martin Luther King, Jr., Ella Baker and Bayard Rustin—and discussed what inspirations and cautions others should take from them on building and sustaining movements today. “Summit” invitees were: Lisa Brock; Dara Cooper, ACSJL Fellow and Founding Program Director, Freshmoves, Chicago; Kenyon Farrow, Communications Director, The Praxis Project New Orleans; Jaime Grant, Executive Director, ACSJL; Crystal Griffin, Social Justice Filmmaker, Arizona State University; Donte Hillard, Assistant Dean of Students and Director Multicultural Student Center and Institute for Justice Education and Transformation, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Amber Hollibaugh, Executive Director, Queers for Economic Justice, New York City; Janet Jakobson, Director, Barnard Center for Research on Women, Barnard College; Joseph Jones, Director, Office of the Social Justice Initiative, Philander Smith College; Godwin Morunga, Associate Director, African Leadership Center, University of Nairobi and Kings College-London; H. L. T. Quan, School of Social Transformation, Arizona State University; Barbara Ransby, Vice Provost, Social Justice Initiative, University of Illinois-Chicago; Gail Smith, Communications Director, Institute for Strategic Reflection, Mapungubwe, Johannesburg, South Africa; Rhonda Williams, Director of the Institute for Social Justice, Case Western University. [6] Did you read the titles of the summit invitees? Cancer. These summits are held on private college campuses as well. Poor USC. They held a pro-censorship to shield the activities of radical Wahhabi Islamists event called, “Summit of (De)Institutionalizing Islamophobia on College Campuses.” A report can be found here: On September 8th, 2017, the Center for Education, Identity and Social Justice hosted the Summit on (De)Institutionalizing Islamophobia on College Campuses. Over 90 registered attendees, representing 20 different institutions or organizations, came together at USC to learn and discuss laws and policies that affect Muslim college students and the intersectionality and diversity with the Muslim community. The Summit opened with Karen Symms Gallagher PhD, the Emery Stoops and Joyce King Stoops Dean of the USC Rossier School of Education, welcoming attendees and setting up the context and importance of the Summit. The event was moderated by the Center’s Co-Directors Shafiqa Ahmadi JD and Darnell Cole PhD, with the overall question in mind of how higher education and student affairs professionals, scholars and student leaders can better serve Muslim college students. There were two panels during the event which featured five female Muslim women professionals. The law and policy panel featured Parwana Anwar JD: Trial and Criminal Defense Attorney; Zulaikha Aziz JD: Human Rights Attorney and Assistant Professor of the Practice, School of International Relations at USC; and Marwa Rifahie JD: Civil Rights Attorney at CAIR-LA. The intersectionality and diversity panel featured Shabana Mir PhD: Assistant Professor and Coordinator, General Education at American Islamic College and Najeeba Syeed JD: Associate Professor of Interreligious Education at Claremont School of Theology. The Summit concluded with a workshop, facilitated by Professors Ahmadi and Cole, where attendees worked together at their tables to reflect and brainstorm on actions they could take at their respective campuses to disrupt Islamophobia. Each attendee made an on-campus commitment action plan, which included creating a timeline and list of resources to utilize. At Farmingdale College in New York: The Social Science Research Institute’s Center for Social Justice Saturday, April 23, 2016, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm Farmingdale State College Campus Center Ballroom The Summit brought awareness of social justice issues through participation in educational roundtables led by local community experts. Engaging conversation was held with the following discussion groups: Environmental Justice, Food Justice (and Food Security), Health Disparities, Homelessness, Immigration, LGBTQ, Race, Housing Discrimination, Educational Disparities, Mental Health, Criminal Justice, and many others. This exciting day began with guest speakers who inspired us all to action! Participants left with tangible resources and opportunities to create change in their own communities. [11] This outstanding event was covered by FIOS1, MyLITV. [11] Additionally, this event was featured in the SUNY Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion newsletter, “Diversity Counts.” [11] [“/academics/centers-institutes/social-science-research-institute/pdf/diversitycountsmay2016.pdf”][8]
A focal point of the event will be inspiring Long Islanders to lobby for equal access to vital resources regardless of race, ethnicity, class, age, religion, gender, disability, and sexual orientation. [11] Oh yea, these events are to get people to lobby. Don’t take lobbying lightly. The left has figured out a way to get taxpayers to fund lobbying campaigns that support one political party, even on federally funded college campuses. Pure evil. The latest event at Farmingdale State College was this: The Four Pillars of Activism Learning How to Become a Globally Engaged, Ethical Leader Leadership Community engagement Advocacy Activism through social movement The afternoon session continues our leadership training in the four pillars with participants selecting their social justice area of interest and working in roundtables led by experts in the field. Among these many roundtables we hope to include are: Immigration, Environmental Justice, Food Justice (and Food Security), LGBTQIA+, Housing Discrimination, Criminal Justice/Police Reform, Mental Health, Native American Issues, Health Disparities, Homelessness, Voting and Constitutional Change, and many others. Participants will leave with tangible resources and opportunities to create change in their own communities. I’ll be honest. I agree with a lot of what is said at these summits. My problem is with the agendas that real issues are being used to push. I’ve been homeless. I don’t want homelessness eradicated. We conservatives who don’t want to be used by socialist thieves to steal taxpayer money to profit psychopaths should have the freedom to choose homelessness. Just like there should be resources for disabled homeless veterans who get shoo’d out of VA hospital waiting rooms because they want a warm place to sleep. My God, if we could only make homelessness stop being so fucking profitable. If only there was virtue in California and our state stopped using vulnerable people as excuses for theft while not even helping them. Socialism is so evil. Let there be homelessness until socialism is dead. Schools will push the idea of more government and more laws as the solution. My solutions is always less government and fewer laws. This is where I am at odds with what these Summits pursue; totalitarianism. They never speak of repealing and amending the 13th amendment to remove the exception clause to actually end slavery. Read the 13th amendment for yourself. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” [9] Slavery was never abolished. And the fact that no Social Justice Warriors address this, as they dance around the truth with talks of mass incarceration and private prisons, proves to me that they are being used as Social Cult members as gatekeepers of information to ensure that no one learns that slavery was never abolished, thus enabling the social issues that we both see; they blame capitalism and I blame the 13th amendment. Slavery exists in all types of societies, not exclusively capitalist societies. Capitalism is not the problem and socialism is not the solution. Prisons should be where we hold people too dangerous for the general public and the globe, like Hillary Clinton. Much of what I see is wrong in America is right when you look at these wrongs through the lens of keeping prisons full of young, able-bodied men who can dig pipelines in the middle of the night in Arizona for $00.20 an hour. It’s against the law for a single parent to share a room with a child of the opposite sex. There are more single moms than single dads. There’s money to take these boys and put them into foster care and not help the mom in housing. Knowing attachment theory and how devastating this is to the development of any child, this disgusting federally funded crime makes sense when you know the odd of this child ending up in prison because of being put in foster care instead of staying with his mother. By the way, Child Support Services only go after the fathers who work. Less than 1% of deadbeat parents are prosecuted. I’d received child support checks for $1.36. All you pro-lifers out there, get off your fucking high horse and stand up for these women. They had babies and these moms have been abandoned by everyone, including you. And some are having their babies stolen from them because they can’t afford two rooms to rent while you do nothing. I’m so lucky I had a girl. You won’t hear that at these summits, or how social workers are called “baby snatchers”. Or how moms in some neighborhoods are afraid of anyone who looks like a social worker and will hide their kids. Or how moms will lie and say they don’t have kids if they get arrested. Don’t get arrested, you say? I doubt you’ve ever felt hunted before. When officers go out looking for arrests and they pull you over because a light is out over your license plate, it’s scary. These officers have so much power when they choose to be slave catchers instead of peace officers. I would walk around my car before driving at night to save myself from the humiliation of being treated by a criminal, saving myself from the stress that doesn’t help my stress disorder, and to save myself from God knows what else. This is what Social Justice enables while they ignite class warfare and push for socialism. I digress, even though this is relevant to why I call bullshit on each and every Social Justice Summit. And no, the fact that slavery was never abolished isn’t a fairy tale to make Republicans seem less benevolent. Slavery was never abolished. Democrats are still fighting for state ownership of slaves while establishment Republicans fight for private ownership of slave, why Republicans are really against abortions; each unwanted child that is aborted is a financial loss to them. That’s a sick way to be pro-life if you ask me. Remember Nazi Sander and Killary Clinton talking about prisons during their 2016 presidential campaigns? They only attacked private prisons while trying to dupe their audience into believing that that they weren’t cannibalistic monsters, financially feeding off of lives they destroyed through their policies. Honestly, this will have to be a story of its own. There’s so much. Back to the Cult of Social Justice. Make people feel bad. Offer activities to help remedy their uneasiness. Get them to change their behavior in order to change their thinking. Offer lots of activities, trainings, workshops, dogma, and create “us versus them” thinking. Try to isolate them. Identity politics is ideal for isolating people. Make people feel oppressed and train them on how to be activists. Make the oppressors feel like shit because of their skin color or genitals that they didn’t ask to be born with and convince them to change their behavior to right the wrongs of evil white European males. Remember the chant at UCI? “Go back to Europe!” You think I’m being funny? That I’m exaggerating. Compare what these Social Justice Summits teach to Social Justice “activism” on college campuses. Listen to the rhetoric. Listen to the dogma. They all say the same thing. But wait, there’s more . 2017, Georgetown, South Carolina, Beyond the Bridge held a Social Justice Summit. You want to organize your own event? A phone number is provided on the page so you can hold your own even to make your neighbors insane. And it’s open to the public as long as they preregister. Check out the “schedule” by hitting the schedule tab. Looks familiar? It should. This is Social Justice cult recruiting. “Graduates” will all screech the same things at events organized by their leadership. Funny thing about activism is that it doesn’t debate. It’s the perfect pathway to cult indoctrination. [12] At Truman University in Missouri: Students, faculty, staff, and professionals are invited to join the Truman State University Multicultural Affairs Center in exploring the different facets of social justice in our communities and world. The summit will focus on the knowledge and skills needed to effectively lead social change efforts in the institutions we occupy. The theme “Equity and Justice NOW” was created to convey the urgency of change related efforts within the United States. In the year 2015, over 1,100 people were victims of police related death. 21 transgender women were also killed in 2015, most of them being women of color. Popular movements such as #BlackLivesMatter, #SayHerName,#HerNameWas, #BlackOnCampus and even #OscarsSoWhite highlight a dire need for representation, equity, and justice among marginalized communities. This two-day summit will take place on Truman State University’s campus on Friday, April 15, 2016 at 4:30 pm and Saturday, April 16, 2016 at 9:15 a.m. and will consist of several opportunities for unpacking the intricacies and complexities of social justice advocacy. Through three workshop blocks, performances, and reflection our hope is that we can create authentic and brave dialogue that fosters self-awareness, identity development, coalition building, and a commitment to change. [13]
I remember 2017. At UCI, we had our ASUCI presidential debate. The Social Justice Cult members in EVP were shouting “Say her name!” in reference to an MTF transwoman who died by cop. You were an awful person if you didn’t know any names of black MTF trans women, creating an oppressed “us” versus the oppressor “them” in the election debate to get students to vote for Social Justice cult members. Anyone outside of the cult was baffled. Who knew the names of the three girls who died while evading arrest after having stolen a car by driving into a deep pond at night? Their deaths were somehow the fault of the police as media showed condensed versions of the dash cam footage to try to make it seem like the officers didn’t try to save these kids. And then students on college campuses are saying, “Say her name,” as though police killed these three kids. The police didn’t put them behind the wheel of a stolen vehicle at night and then tell them to drive into a pond at night. It’s not like cops keep scuba gear and heat-retaining wetsuits in the trunks of their cars. Do we expect cops to commit suicide to try to save people they can’t save? And can you think of any worse feeling than being helpless as children die right in front of you and you can’t save them? Nope. Gotta bash the cops and call them racist. How about “Say the officers names”. Nope. This will never happen at any Social Justice Summit. All cops are white supremacists, after all. And no one likes racists. Because making everyone more afraid of the police in order to protect the lie that slavery wasn’t abolished won’t cause more police shootings or anything. Social Justice Warriors got my back. [14, 15] Nope. I don’t mean to belittle the deaths of anyone. I don’t see a hierarchy of value placed on lives by identity politics, although I do agree that it’s important to demonstrate patterns that exist that put particular groups at greater risk of senseless brutality and murder. I do know that MTF trans women have a high murder rate. I do wonder how many of these women may have PTSD from abuse that could also be the root of their gender dysphoria, if it’s not biological, that leads them to engage in risky behavior that could increase their odds of being murdered. And I wonder if by treating gender as a social construct if we’re enabling this destructive behavior that would otherwise be treated if it was recognized as a disorder, enabling their tragic deaths. I just want everyone to be happy, safe, to love, and to be loved. Not Social Justice Warriors. Jesus is a Social Justice Warrior at this Adventist church: Lament is the disruption we require, continued Rah. Lament appears frequently in the Bible; 40% of the Psalms are laments. But we, as Christians, want to jump to celebration without first focusing on suffering. In a typical Christian hymnal, 80-85% are celebratory hymns. In contemporary Christian music, only 5-10% are about lament. Because we’re missing lament in our story, we have the inability to recognize injustice and to bring God’s justice to our society, said Rah. “It was legal to kill Jesus, but it was not just…We’ve got laws in America that are laws, but they are not just,” added Kowlessar. “We have to stand for right regardless of what people will say. The Bible was written in the context of oppression and liberation. That’s the whole thing,” concluded Kowlessar. He concluded by discussing the importance of reconciliation, confession, and forgiveness. “There can be no reconciliation without confession,” said Vanderhorst. The oppressor needs to do three things for confession to be authentic: repent (admit wrongs and not repeat them), restitution (restore what was denied or taken, and make adequate and just compensation), and rehabilitation (get intervention or make proof of real change in one’s life). Then, real reconciliation is possible. She continued saying, “The body of Christ today has got to flip some tables.” Jesus got in the Pharisees’ faces. If He had just stuck to healing, they wouldn’t have cared. But He messed with their system, He messed with their money, He called out the problems in His day – and they killed Him for it. She went on to discuss two topics standing in the way of racial reconciliation in America: the police and the church. “Policing is not a change agent. The police are not about change. The job of the police is to maintain the will of those who are in political power and maintain the status quo of the dominant class,” said Fisher-Stewart. “Policing as it is today negates the humanity of God’s people; it destroys God’s image.” Because of this, “the process of reconciliation needs to come from the church.” But, that process needs to start with White Christians, those who benefit from the systemic racism in today’s justice system that has its roots in the slavery established in the 16th century. [16]
There’s a lot that sounds familiar, doesn’t it? White Christians are bad. Shame on you. Change your behavior to change your thinking. Go to sleep. Become one of us. Cal State Fullerton has a handy PDF available online for their social justice summit. Here’s an idea, why don’t you guess what the topics for the workshop will be, write them down, and read the PDF. See how many you got right. I bet you’ll do well. [17] So much fun training for Social Justice Warriors. Ever heard of Unitarian Universalism Association? It’s just another racketeering scam disguised as a religion. They tell you how to invest and divest your money and how to change your behavior for Social Justice. Oil is the Devil. Drive a Prius. Be hysterical. Each UU congregation operates independently as part of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. The UUA provides services and resources that individual congregations cannot develop independently. Also, the UUA has the strength in numbers to be a force for social justice issues and other causes that reflect members’ shared values. [18]
UU Faith Action N.J. offers protestor training: Have you ever given thought to how *best* to prepare for taking part in public protest? Wondered what you could possibly do to help someone being harassed? Ever considered taking part in an act of civil disobedience? Knowledge = Power. Come to find answers to these questions and more at our FREE two-part workshop on how to become a (better) social activist. Part 1 10-12: How to go from being a “bystander” to an UPSTANDER! What do you do if you see hate-based harassment? Learn to better predict incidents *before* they happen; how to align with potential targets; de-escalation; safe escape, and much more. Part 2: 12-2 (Working Lunch, see details above) Veteran activists and newly involved neighbors are invited to participate in an interactive training on how to be an effective and safe person of conscience in today’s political environment. Topics include: Safety, safety, safety!; Rules of engagement; Finding the types of actions that are right for you; All the what-ifs; and yes, How to get arrested. (Also, how NOT to get arrested!) Hosted by UU FaithAction NJ, Central Unitarian Church in Paramus, Hudson Civic Action and American Friends Service Committee. Facilitated by Elena Waldman of Artemis Defense ( . Free will donations taken at the event. [19] These workshops are open to the public, faculty, and students. Each college campus that hosts these Social Justice Summits and training events has some kind of department with Diversity and Inclusion in the title. This is not a coincidence. This is the United Nations infiltrating our schools to undermine our republic. The next story will be about the bullshit degree programs that are being offered on college campuses to make students insane. I may go back to describe how student government affects what degree programs are allowed or not allowed on college campuses. Eventually I will write about departments with “diversity” and “inclusion” as well as the advisory councils that tell these fascist departments what to do. Discuss G-20 and how they address education as an element of the economy for them to control. Discuss Betsy De Vos and G-20. How G-20 is connected to the UN. Do I want to write about how the UN works for the World Bank? Slippery slope. I’ll write about it later, when I have time to go full conspiracy theorist. It’s unbelievable what’s going on right now around the world and how schools are being used as weapons of covert warfare. Social Justice Summits. Once the student or citizen gets indoctrinated and decides to pursue social justice as a career goal, they enroll in classes that offer credits and degrees, even PhD’s. This is where the next story will continue. [1] Schmidt, L., (2009). Teaching Social Responsibility: Stirring up justice. Retrieved from: [2] Division of Student Affairs; Student Diversity and inclusion services, (2018). University of St. Thomas. Retrieved from: [3] CSUSM, (2018). Social Justice Summit. Cal State University of San Marcos. Retrieved from: [4] CSUSM, (2018). Social Justice Summit. Cal State University of San Marcos. Retrieved from: [5] UF College of education, (2018). Social Justice Summit: for the Gator Good. University of Florida. Retrieved from: [6] Arcus Center, (2013). Social Justice Summit. Kalamazoo College. Retrieved from: [7] Center for Education, Identity, and Social Justice. Summit on (De)Institutionalizing Islamophobia on College Campuses. USC. Retrieved from: [8] Farmingdale State College [9] The House Joint Resolution proposing the 13th amendment to the Constitution, January 31, 1865; Enrolled Acts and Resolutions of Congress, 1789-1999; General Records of the United States Government; Record Group 11; National Archives. Retrieved from: 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Abolition of Slavery (1865) [10] Farmingdale State College, (2018). The Four Pillars of Activism. Farmingdale State College. Retrieved from: [11] Farmingdale State College, (2016). Social Justice/Diversity Summit Coming to Farmingdale State College April 23. Farmingdale State College. Retrieved from: [12] Beyond the Bridge, (2017). Social Justice Summit. Beyond the Bridge. Retrieved from: [13] Center for Diversity and Inclusion, (2016). Social Justice Leadership Summit. Truman State University. Retrieved from: [14] Rao, S., (2016). Florida Sheriff Rejects Claims That Officers Didn’t Help Drowning Girls. Video surfaced earlier this week that appeared to show Pinellas County, Florida, police officers ignoring three Black girls as they drowned in a pond. The sheriff says it is misleading. Colorlines. Retrieved from: [15] Rao, S., (2016). Activists Gather Around The Country To #SayHerName. The national day of action reinforced calls for accountability in cases of police and White supremacist violence against Black women. Colorlines. Retrieved from: [16] Alisa Williams, (2017). Crossing the Divide: the: 2nd annual social justice summit. Retrieved from: [17] Cal State Fullerton, (2018). Social Justice Summit. Cal State Fullerton. Retrieved from: Also check out:, a program allegedly to retain male students who aren’t white. because only white people can be racist. to recruit more Social Justice cult members. [18] Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Somerset Hills, (2018). What is Unitarian Universalism? Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Somerset Hills. [19] Gregson, R., (2017). Registration Open for *Free* Public Protest/Upstander Training Nov. 18. UU Faith Action N.J. Retrieved from: [20] BBSJ, (2018). Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council 9th Annual Broadband and Social Justice Summit. Broadband and Social Justice Summit. Retrieved from: [21] Minority Media & Telecom Council, (2013). The MMTC Broadband and Social Justice Summit. Minority Media and Telecommunications Council. Retrieved from:

Social Justice Summits and Social Justice Degree Programs: Cult Recruitment and Indoctrination Across America. Part 1

Social Justice Summits: Cult recruitment and indoctrination across America

By Alexandria Jane.

To recap, I had described in my last story how social justice is, in fact, a cult. Cult members shut down benign events through hysterical antics because speakers challenge the United Nations and the United Nations Sustainable Development goals which are proxies for national socialism and global communism. The few politicians who haven’t sold their souls to the United Nations are Republicans, and they lost in the midterms because somehow every Democrat who really lost knew that if they just waited, hundreds of thousands of ballots would magically appear and they’d eventually “win”.  

I had demonstrated a pattern of behavior that would suggest not only cult recruitment but active grooming of cult members to break the law, to violate the constitution, and to commit various acts of terrorism. Remember AntiFa at Berkeley? UC student governments will not condemn AntiFa violence because they condone it.

In fact, students have been assaulted unprovoked by “anti-fascists” just for being Republican.

‘“I was actually assaulted on campus for being a Republican,” Olivia Corn told The Tab. “I had someone throw me to the ground and say: ‘Fuck you, racist bitch, you support a racist party.”

“Out of nowhere I was on my phone and looking at my email and out of nowhere I felt two hands grab my shoulders and just sort of threw me to the ground, and they were yelling ‘Fuck you racist bitch, you support a racist party,’” Corn said.

This incident also does not mark the first time she has been harassed for her Republican identity.

“People yell in my face all the time. I get random messages telling me what I should and should not be doing on Facebook, in my email,” Corn told the Voice. “I’ve had a history of people not liking me so much.”[1]’

At the University of Washington:

‘Members of the University of Washington College Republicans were assaulted on campus Wednesday, and police arrested a woman affiliated with Antifa, a militant anti-facist group known for violent demonstrations.

And again on Thursday, protesters – this time not affiliated with Antifa — responded by heckling the College Republican group, damaging their banner and sitting on their table.

“I was just kinda spooked,” Guerrero told The Daily, who reported he compared the incident to other Antifa encounters. “They broke my girlfriend’s phone.” [2]’

At Stanford University:

‘“Today, SCR experienced the violent and totalitarian behavior of the unhinged Stanford left. During a ‘Change My Mind’ tabling event regarding the presumption of innocence and the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation, SCR’s President was assaulted by Melinda Hernandez. A sophomore at Stanford, Hernandez approached our President, hit him in chest and forcefully pushed him back,” the group posted on Facebook. [3]’

At Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota, a female College Republican was assaulted on her way to a presidential debate gathering sporting a MAGA hat.

“The Minnesota Federation of College Republicans issued this statement on Tuesday:

‘College campuses are meant to be places of freedom of speech and diverse opinions without fearing for one’s physical safety. In the case we saw last night on Gustavus Adolphus College’s campus, this did not seem to be the case. This is unacceptable.

We expect that Gustavus Adolphus College will come to a resolution on this issue to combat violence on campus towards students with differing opinions. Nobody, regardless of race, gender or political party, should feel unsafe because of the way they look or what they wear when they walk on campus. [4]’

You see, that’s the problem with unsafe cults. People who disagree with the cult have been so dehumanized in cult indoctrination/training that these cult members actually mimic psychopaths with the same cruelty, if not worse, when confronted with anyone who isn’t totally fucking insane and ignorant like them.

Campus Reform clarifies the incident:

‘Although the male student is not alleged to have physically touched the victim, Minnesota Statute 609.224 states that anyone who “commits an act with intent to cause fear in another of immediate bodily harm or death” or “intentionally inflicts or attempts to inflict bodily harm upon another” has committed misdemeanor assault in the fifth degree. [5]’

In Charlottesville, North Carolina, Caleb Slater was attacked for wearing a Young America’s Foundation hat at a vigil for the person who was killed in a protest by lunatic in his car. Slater wanted to attend to demonstrate in solidarity with other vigil attendees to condemn the Alt-Right and violence. Instead, he was met with violence:

Slater wore a hat from Young America’s Foundation, a conservative college activist group, as a “symbol of peace” to demonstrate that “conservatives condemn the actions of the alt-right just as much as anyone else in our culture,” he told the activist group.

The student said that Antifa members surrounded him, at first asking if he were with Young America’s Foundation, then telling him to leave, and finally “calling me all sorts of expletives, grabbing me by the clothes and choking me by my camera strap.” People started chanting “no Trump, no KKK, Nazi go away.”

‘“I was hoping that we could at least condemn the attack in Charlottesville together, not as liberals, not as conservatives, but as Americans,” said Slater to The Daily Caller News Foundation. “An unarmed American citizen was killed on US soil on Saturday and that is a tragedy.”

“I think [colleges] should stop the hate speech narrative, stop the trigger warning mentality and instead teach students how they can boost their own arguments and debate the views and values they disagree with,” continued Slater. “The solution to ‘hate speech’ is more speech.”

The student expressed gratitude for the Syracuse Black Lives Matter group, reporting that they denounced Antifa and spoke with him after the vigil, but insisted that he should not have been attacked for his attire.

“The fact that an organization is so afraid of conservative values that they are willing to hide behind a mask and attack a private citizen, not in self-defense, but because they disagree with the politics of that person is a sad situation and the political left in this country have a moral obligation to rebuke Antifa,” said Slater to TheDCNF.. [6]’

AntiFa, like true cult members, act like gatekeepers. They want to control the narrative and filter out anyone who can effectively challenge their idiocy and hate. They push anyone out who doesn’t follow the orders they follow. I experienced the exact same thing at UCI.

It’s not just students who are going batshit crazy at sane people who think for themselves and love America. It’s faculty too, unless the department of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion can’t throw the professor out without due process, like with lynched Francisco Ayala. UCI will remove his name from the buildings he created. Can’t have a biologist on a fascist campus. Biology is not compatible with Gender Studies or the United Nations Sustainable and Development goals. This is the purpose of Title IX, to filter out the scientists and destroy academia as a mediator for totalitarianism. So good professors don’t get contracts renewed for quality reasons despite having exceptional student evaluations, TA’s who defend them get removed from teaching positions with threats of Title IX claims, and the true innovators in science get forced to resign through Title IX. Who knows what UCI threatened Ayal with to get him to resign. They are that evil. Worse! [7]

‘Ayala was out of the country Friday and unavailable for comment, according to his university office, but it provided a written statement from Ayala in which he described his conduct as “the good manners of a European gentleman” and said he regrets that it made some colleagues uncomfortable.

Ayala said in his statement that he didn’t want to put family, colleagues or the university through further investigations or litigation, and he plans to continue his research. [7]’

Who stays employed? Who gets honored by other faculty members? Not the professors who encourage innovation, the scientific method, the Socratic method, and free speech. They’re the ones who have already been lynched, stay in the closet, or pay extra attention to every work-related detail in order to prevent them from being fired or blackmailed into resignation.

FaCULTy are making students feel academically threatened if they’re not already participating in physically assaulting students alongside student-government protestors and AntiFa.

Caleb O’Neil, the Orange Coast College student who was suspended for secretly filming his Human Sexuality professor, spoke at an Orange County GOP meeting that I had attended. He described how his professor looked at him and made him feel threatened because she knew he was a Trump supporter and she was hysterical after Trump had won. She made the claim that Trump supporters committed assault by voting for him, which made him fearful for his grades, so he took out his camera and recorded her in the event that he needed evidence to defend himself in the future. Other OCC students I know faced similar harassment by faculty. Republicans aren’t welcome at OCC which means that ideas and free speech aren’t welcome at OCC. Ironic but normal for a college campus in California. [8, 9, 10, 11]

O’Neil was suspended for one year after his video went viral and was told to write a letter of apology to his professor. [8]


Links are in the citations below if you did not hear the recording. It’s mind blowing yet sadly typical of UNESCO driven pseudo-academia today. And the response by faculty and administrators. Barf me out! As I state in my last story, student government works with and for administrators, not students. No one works for students on college campuses. They work for business interests, grant money, federal mandates, greed, and the Cult of Social Justice; the UN. [10, 11]

More students spoke up in support of O’Neil. See for yourself how your tax dollars are wasted on the cultist fucks who continue to shame these students for exposing how hateful and retarded these colleges and faCULTy are. The YouTube link to a CBS interview is below. Remember what Gaslighting is as you listen to the backlash. [12]

The Cult of Social Justice is at her side, trying to be the gatekeepers of information; typical cultists. This professor who made students feel unsafe and who used her position on a federally funded campus to espouse her own political views in a way that was intended to bully dissenters wasn’t fired. She was named faCULTy Colleague of the Year. What message does that tell Republicans or anyone who thinks scientifically? What do you think? [13]

In Olga’s defense, at least she didn’t hit, pepper spray, or bludgeon any students with a U-lock. [15]

Cal State University Fullerton Professor Eric Canin actually punched a student who was peacefully protesting behind a manufactured pro-UN agenda protest; the UN is against borders and walls as they use human trafficking to destroy civilized societies to push national socialism and global communism. Remember, student governments are pro-Palestine because they’re told to hold that position from higher up, not because of what students actually want. Wahabi Muslims typically dominate student government; Students for Justice in Palestine is the Muslim Brotherhood, a Wahabi organization.  [12, 13]

Social Justice is a cult. You can’t be on a college campus and challenge the Nomenklatura and the UN without triggering lunatic Social Justice cult members into a frenzy to try to shut you down; to be gatekeepers of ideas and knowledge.

This Professor of cultural anthropology punched a Republican student and was suspended for a summer vacation. If he was conservative or not a raving lunatic, he’d have been fired. His job security is his madness and his total unquestioning obedience to his indoctrination into the Cult of Social Justice. If he was a biologist who knew that gender was not a social construct, he’d be forced to resign and anything on campus that could hint to his presence would be stripped from the college. Funny how that works. [14]

Perhaps UCI’s Francisco Ayala and UCLA’s Professor Keith Fink should punch some College Republicans to try to get their jobs back.

Eric Clanton beat seven people with a U-lock. One person needed staples to close a wound caused by this AntiFa professor. Please, check out the link below. I cite The Ralph Retort, a site that has been targeted by the left and successfully deplatformed from YouTube while hosting a chat to raise money for children with cancer. Tell the truth and get deplatformed. Cause injury to seven people in an act of terrorism and you get four fucking days in jail and probation. This oppressed class is privileged as fuck. [16]

Again, remember how in my last story, I had mentioned that Heather Mac Donald and Christina Hoff Sommers were called fascists by Social Justice Cult gatekeepers. This violence is what they were inviting. Doxxing Mac Donald, this violence is what they were threatening her and her family with. This is terrorism, folks. Using terror as a means of coercion is terrorism. And our colleges are endorsing this terrorism with their sick curriculum and their treasonous indoctrination programs pumped into our campuses through departments of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion like giant loads of American Cultural Immunodeficiency Virus (CIV) infected semen to cause American-values Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Four days in jail and probation. [16]

You can read Eric Clanton’s response here on this AntiFa site:, AFTER you read the Ralph Retort and look at how 4Chan identified this coward here: $Chan is awesome. Clanton appears to have been scrubbed from the internet. [16, 17, 18, 20]

Clanton is a professor of philosophy and ethics. These things don’t mean what you think they mean unless you are aware of the total corruption of academia to destroy science and philosophy in favor of cultural Marxism, fuel for AntiFa terrorism. [19]

You can’t challenge the Nomenklatura and not get fired at California colleges. You can threaten and punch students. Don’t you dare teach them how to think or what their rights there. This is the UC system in a nutshell. This is all California colleges infected by the treasonous disease of UNESCO.

We have students and faculty behaving like they are in cults (because they are) and they’re committing acts of federally-funded homegrown terrorism.

They next story will be about how our colleges are the source of homegrown terrorism in America.

Your tax dollars hard at work.

[1] College Fix Staff, (2016). Cornell College Republicans president assaulted, called ‘racist bitch’. The College Fix. Retrieved from:

[2] KIRO 7 News Staff, (2018). Police: UW College Republicans assaulted by Antifa affiliate; group targeted for second day. KIRO 7. Retrieved from:

[3] Wong, K., (2018). Susan Rice’s Republican Son Assaulted at Pro-Kavanaugh Event. Breitbart. Retrieved from:

[4] Hudson, W., (2016). College Republican Assaulted in Minnesota on Debate Night. PJ Media. Retrieved from:

[5] Ecarma, C. & Dillon, K., (2016). Female student attacked for wearing Trump hat on campus. Campus Reform. Retrieved from:

[6] Shimshock, R., (2017). Antifa Protesters Allegedly Assault College Republican At Charlottesville Rally [VIDEO]. The Daily Caller. Retrieved from:

[7] Robinson, A., (2018). UC Irvine professor who donated $10 million resigns after sexual harassment allegations. The Orange County Register. Retrieved from:

[8] Kopetman, R., (2017). OCC student suspended for recording teacher speaks out, files appeal. The Orange County Register. Retrieved from:

[9] Kopetman, R., (2017). OCC student suspended after filming teacher saying Trump’s election was ‘an act of terrorism’. The Orange County Register. Retrieved from:

[10] Recalde-Martinez, J., (2016). Orange Coast College Teacher Call Trump Supporters Terrorist. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[11] Recalde-Martinez, J., (2018). Orange Coast College Professor A Hypocrite. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[12] CBS Los Angeles, (2016). More Students Open Up About Professor’s Anti-Trump Tirade. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[13] Kopetman, R., (2017). Orange Coast College honors anti-Trump instructor Olga Cox, but she turns it down. The Orange County Register. Retrieved from:

[12] Campus Reform, (2017). CSUF prof allegedly assaults College Republicans member. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[13] CSUF Comm 202, (2017). CSUF Professor Fight. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[14] ACU News Daily, (2017). Liberal CSUF professor punched a student and is not fired. A. C. U. News. Retrieved from:

[15] Nash, C., (2017). ***LIVE UPDATES*** MILO UC Berkeley Show Evacuated As Masked Anti-MILO Protesters Start Fires, Swarm Building. Breitbart. Retrieved from:

[16] Ralph, E., (2017). REPORT: Antifa “U-Lock” Attacker From Berkeley Identified as College Professor Eric Clanton. The Ralph Retort.

[17] Support Eric Clanton, (2017). Statement from Eric Clanton: “Keep Building Long Term Strategies”. It’s Going Down. Retrieved from:

[18] Throne, I., (2017). Murderous Professor Eric Clanton Screams For Help On Reddit. Reddit.

[19] The Pure Veritas, (2018). ERIC CLANTON ANTIFA LIB Philosophy ETHICS PROFESSOR nearly kills TRUMP SUPPORTER w/ u-lock. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[20] Justice Media Outlet, (2017). Professors that used a U-lock as (Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon) Eric Clanton! YouTube. Retrieved from:

(4Chan is awesome.)

Social Justice is a Cult

The Cult of Social Justice: follow the treason brick road from college campuses to UNESCO: the UN is the Grand Wizard of OZ.

By Alexandria Jane

How to write this, I’ve been baffled. The story is so convoluted and I’m one person putting together what I’ve observed in a manner that is meaningful with the hope that new knowledge will help make conservative activism meaningful and not a fruitless waste of time as it has mostly been.

So here’s my plan. I will first summarize what this story is about. Then I will break down my summary into sections to allow you to read what interests you in whatever order you wish. I will most likely have to write follow up stories to go more in depth on some topics, like UNESCO and the psychology of cults.

Social Justice is a cult. College campuses are complicit in deliberately luring unsuspecting students into workshops that are in fact designed to make these students vulnerable to losing themselves to the Social Justice cult.

This Social Justice cult then uses students as tools to keep ideas out that threaten the control the cult has over these students. These students have been indoctrinated in revisionist history courses and cultural Marxism; the “haves” and “have nots”. (“Us versus them” is common cult mental manipulation.)

Students, often in student government, go to Social Justice Summits to be further indoctrinated. There are even workshops on how to get arrested. These workshops even exist on non-secular college campuses ascultural Marxism has been creatively interwoven with scriptures.

These students then continue to organize on their campuses as “activists”. Hardly. They are cult followers, doing what they’re told, repeating what they’ve heard, and violating the first amendment like good little cult members who remember what they learned in Nazi school. Stop speech that they don’t like at all costs. Be disruptive.

This is why every campus speaker who is critical of the nomenklatura gets such absurd and abusive responses from college students, why stupid sociology majors across the US will say the same thing in protest of a speaker who simply wants students to know that their colleges are lying to them.

And what are these lies on college campuses that these cult members are so desperate to protect?

The victimhood culture that pseudoscience, sloppy data interpretation, and CNN push has been a target of campus speakers who end up needingto have security from protestors who throw things and spit on people while shouting “Love Trumps Hate!” before their talks are shut down for safety reasons. I have a lot of examples: the campus rape hysteria, gender discrimination, racism, sexism, to name a few. This is why I’m writing this in sections. These topics are difficult to gloss over without risking you not understanding how diabolical our colleges are.

Colleges push secular religions that borderline on cults that they pretend are science in order to align students’ thinking with treason; to get UN sell-outs and hedge-fund-owner racketeers elected. Science and philosophy has had to die in order for this to happen. Free speech must be slaughtered. There’s no better butcher than departments of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, products of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Why else would we need a 1:1 ration between faculty and bureaucracy on college campuses to address problems that don’t exist? A talk that one professor was going to have at Claremont College that was shut down by Social Justice cult members who accused her of being racist and her words were violent.

Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW), is one ofthe ugliest, vilest, anti-American, anti-conservation cults disguised as scienceon college campuses, a true testament to the success of our deliberate failure of education in America to produce a generation too stupid to understand that “settled science” means pseudoscience or that free speech is critical for determiningthe validity of research. CAGW and AL Gore have replaced Pat Robertson on the700 club. We went from gays causing hurricanes to all of mankind. Bravo!

What happened to our schools? Environmental justice is related to social justice. There have been Social Justice Summits for years. They’re open to students from different schools. UCI sent students to Humboldt, for example. Don’t fret if your campus isn’t fascist yet. Just accept invitations from other schools to attend and you’ll be part of the ship, part of the crew in no time. These summits are products of departments of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. These departments are moderated by administrators, faculty, and students. They get their directive from higher up. The trail leads to UNESCO. The UN is successfully destroying America from the inside out through our schools.

Bemoaning the stupidity, hatred, bigotry, intolerance, and insanity of social justice is pointless if we aren’t exploring who is behind this intellectual zombie apocalypse and why.

How else can we effectively diagnose American-values Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) to effectively find a cure as long as the Departmentof Justice no longer prosecutes treason and racketeering?

First, what is a cult? It’s important to realize that SOCIAL JUSTICE IS A CULT if we are to recover from this illiberal fascist nightmare that is college in America. These students didn’t ask to be cult members. They graduate from college and they’re still mentally ill, believing CNN. They are totally intolerant and words are violent because their glass houses of lies are so fragile that any idea that challenges the bullshit they hold to be true will destroy who they think they are. Cults destroy personal identity. What’s left is a mirage that the coddled weak are desperate to hold on to.

I’m referencing the Cult Education Institute’s web page. I’ve included another link as well below this citation for further reading.

Webster’s Dictionary defines a cult as:

‘”1. A formal religious veneration 2. A system of religious beliefs and rituals also its body of adherents; 3. A religion regarded as “unorthodox or spurious.”; 4. A system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator; 5. a: A great devotion to a person, idea, thing; esp.: such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad, b: A usually small circle of persons united by devotion or allegiance to an artistic or intellectual movement or figure.”[1]’


Social Justice in a rotten nutshell.

‘Psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, who wrote the definitive book about thought reform (often called “brainwashing”) also wrote a paper about cult formation. Lifton defined a cult as having the following three characteristics:

A charismatic leader, who increasingly becomes an object of worship as the general principles that may have originally sustained the group lose power.

A process [is in use] call[ed] coercive persuasion or thought reform.

Economic, sexual, and other exploitation of group members by the leader and the ruling coterie. [1]’


College campuses provide charismatic leaders through the student government nomenklatura. One YouTube link I provide demonstrates this pathetically. It’s pathetic that on a college campus, a protestor tries to debate someone and then is told by his crybully leader to be quiet, so he shuts down obediently. College is a coercive and persuasive (thought reform) institution, not an educational one. The exploitation of cult members is visible in protests. They’re also exploited at the ballot box to the financial benefit of covert leaders who hide behind Social Justice Summits and Vice Chancellorships.

It should be noted that some cults are safe. The Social Justice cult, as made evident by their own actions, is an unsafe cult. UC Berkeleyis prime example of SJW cults being unsafe. This is ironic considering that Margaret Singer, a clinical psychologist, taught at UC Berkeley. She is the author of “Cults in our Midst”. They were closer than she probably realized.

‘“According to Singer, unsafe groups or cults can generally be defined by three factors:

The origin of the group and role of the leader.

The power structure, or relationship between the leader[s]and the followers.

The use of a coordinated program of persuasion, which is called thought reform [or more commonly, ‘brainwashing'”].[1]’


“In most cases, there is one person, typically the founder at the top…decision making centers in him or her.” Illustrating the structure Singer says, “imagine an inverted T. The leader is alone at the top and the followers are all at the bottom”. There is little if any accountability and as Singer says, “the overriding philosophy…is that the ends justify the means, a view that allows [such groups] to establish their own brand of morality, outside normal society bounds”.[1]’


Ever heard of “By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)”? You’ll see this played out as I illustrate how this cult shuts down free speech events on federally funded campuses with impunity.

Physical isolation is not necessary to control cult followers:

“Isolation can often be less obvious. Many destructive groups create isolation through their control of a member’s associations with outside society. The group members may be discouraged from associating with outsiders, especially those who express a negative attitude about the group and its leader(s). Isolation can also be fostered by a kind of hyper-activity that allows little time for family, outside interests or friendships. Marshall Applewhite the leader of “Heaven’s Gate” controlled his followers through carefully subscribed daily schedules and regimentation, though the members were seemingly free to come and go at any time. This regimentation and control took place in a mansion within a plush California neighborhood, not an isolated compound.”


I’ve heard members of Students for Justice in Palestine yell at club members to stop talking because “he’s Republican” or because questions get asked that they don’t want truthfully answered. If you watch the links Iprovide, you’ll see one person in particular, a student government employee, actively control his followers by preventing them from talking to anyone he knows might teach his followers something, which could weaken his control over his stable of  obedient SJW bitches.

‘Margaret Singer once said that “The conduct of certain cults, however, especially groups that tend to overtly exploit and abuse people and engage in deceptive, unethical, and illegal conduct, does provoke the surrounding society into a critical stance.”[1]’


I’d say that the free world has been provoked into a “critical stance” as a result of this cult.

The Cult Education Institute goes on to explain how cults control people through communication:

‘One example is through “loading the language,” a feature of thought reform, characterized by thought terminating cliches. Such cliches are easily memorized phrases and terms that essentially become communication shortcuts or “ultimate terms.” This can have the effect of stopping critical thinking and independent analysis, essentially restricting and ultimately often constricting the mind.[1]’

‘Information is controlled in many cults by creating strict rules and/or guidelines regarding such things as books and outside reading, television, movies, radio, music and often even restricting associations with anyone who might express independent ideas, doubts or negative feelings about the group. The group and its leader(s) thus may become much like a filter, supposedly needed to help eliminate the “pollution”, “poisons” and negativity of the outside world.[1]’

Essentially, coercive persuasion relies largely upon thought reform techniques and may also utilize unreasonable fear to compel people to change. Through such a process many can be changed without their knowledge and/or informed consent. This is done in a rigid way that frequently precludes any meaningful exchange of ideas, is fairly one-sided and seems to have little respect for differences.

CAGW is a doomsday cult. Police are racist towards black. Women are victims of rape because men are violent rapists. If you disagree, you’ve internalized misogyny. Yummy. Gays are victims of straight people. Trans people need to be afraid of being erased. Everyone has to be afraid. Fear is used for coercive persuasion used in cults, versus normal persuasion that you use when you’re trying to get the guy who dumped you to reconsider trying again because you can’t imagine life without him. If you aren’t the oppressed, then you’re the oppressor and must make amends by changing your thinking and your behavior; brainwashing.

‘People are often frustrated and anxious about the world around them. And most of us seem to have a need for answers, security, a sense of control, a feeling of belonging and a desire for personal recognition. Today there are millions of “true believers,” who faithfully accept psychics, UFOs, angels, questionable multi-level marketing schemes, political extremism, conspiracy theories and demagoguery. People often find things to believe in that fulfill a need for explanation about an increasingly complex world. At a time of crisis such beliefs may also fill a personal void. Personal voids, burning questions and the need for answers are not unique to any single type of person, instead they appear to be part of the human condition.[1]’

Colleges and Social Justice Summits are deliberately creating these personal voids. They’re effectively recruiting anti-American cult members through programs offered by departments of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion who receive their goals from the UN.

After these cult members are recruited and trained, they are almost constantly involved in activities that they don’t create; student government does. There’s always someone to protest. And there’s always someone to cry to en masse about arrests not being made after one person tapped a crybully on the shoulder at a College Republican event. The way these cop haters yell “assault”, you’d think an assault actually occurred. Nope. Protest-training workshops through Social Justice Summits where you can learn how to get arrested.

Who do these fascist cult members break the law to censor? Heather Mac Donald, Ben Shapiro, Christina Hoff Sommers, Jordan Peterson, Dennis Prager, Gavin MgGuinness, Lauren Southern, and Milo Yiannopoulos. What do these speakers all have in common? They challenge the UN and UNESCO, whether they realized it or not. The challenged the Nomenklatura, so the Nomenklatura activated their cult members to shut these speakers down so no one could hear anything factual or different.

Fake news, being part of the Nomenklatura, has produced hit piece after piece to smear these academics and journalists to keep you from listening to them. The US isn’t a free country right now. We’re communist. And Dems are trying to cement this destruction of America through treasonous legislation that illegally elected crooks of course are going to vote on because people didn’t elect them, cult leaders did. The political crooks who’ve signed on to treason work for the cult leaders.

We can begin with Milo Yiannopoulos. The first time I heard him talk, I knew instantly that he was molested as a child. He reminded me of how David Bowie overcame his fear of being on stage by being in costume. I saw Milo’s persona as a costume. It was annoying. His message, however, was powerful.  He presented facts to challenge the bullshit that colleges had built degree programs around and endorsed treasonous legislation and policy with. I don’t even know if he realized what he was up against. Was he incredibly brave or naïve and foolish. I had instantly fallen in love with him. As someone who comes from a family where sexual abuse was normal, I could relate to him on a spiritual level. I can say with 100% certainty that everything protestors said about him was false and deliberately misleading. The allegations that he supported pedophilia, the most disgusting hit piece produced by the Nomenklatura to smear a dissenter, hurt me because I knew how much it hurt him. Milo was let go from his position as Senior Editor at Breitbart as a result. Such abuse from the media could drive a survivor of sexual abuse to suicide. Honestly, I think that’s what they wanted. Anything to get rid of him.

What kind of fake protests was Milo met with? He had Black Lives Matters, an organization that arguably hurts black people more than it helps them by attempting to lump all black people into one victim class, represented at all of his talks. Like true cult members, they espouse dogma to stop debates; Milo is a racist, Milo is a white supremacist, Milo is a misogynist, Milo is sexist, Milo is a self-loathing homophobe, Milo is an Islamophobe, Milo spreads hate speech, and so on. [2].

If you’ve read my other pieces, you know then that all student activist groups based on identity politics are a conglomerate of Social Justice Warriors whom espouse rhetoric delivered to them from UCSA and USSA by student government. They join together at all protests to give the illusion that a lot of students are outraged over something. We even have “mercenary” protestors, this scam is so well organized. Imagine the Backstreet Boys of Outrage culture where different groups in this conglomerate are used to appeal to different people to generate a larger following to improve cult recruitment as well as make their often illegal activism seem legitimate.

At DePaul University, where Milo was clearly rattled by the threats of violence he received while police, following the orders of administration, did nothing other than look for opportunities to shut Milo down, one melanin-rich DePaul College Republican, Katy, said, “you were complaining about how we wouldn’t let you in and if what we say and what we do is about letting people in and accepted, then by all means we let you in. You’re in a place and you’re not respecting it. (More obstruction.) You paid for this event? Are you looking at me and telling me that you paid for this event? (Gets yelled at some more.)  So I’m a white supremacist now because I believe in hard work and deciding that I need to make a life for myself, makes me a racist, a bigot, and a white supremacist. (Someone verbally attacks her because she’s cute.)  I know I’m super cute. Love it. Just look at it. I’m amazing. Then great, then you’re not working right now. You’re being lazy and disrespectful. I’m pretty sure your parents didn’t raise you to be disrespectful. Look, College Republicans and a lot of conservative organizations paid for this event to happen. this event isn’t happening because you’ve chosen to be disrespectful.

It’s an opinion. It’s not going to kill you. If you believe in who you are and you know who you are, he will not bother you. I know who I am. I am Katy Danforth. I am a math major and a junior at DePaul university and I’m working my ass off to become something.[2]”


She was then yelled at by more crybullies who’d infer that if you told them they looked nice today that you’re saying they looked awful yesterday and how dare she insult them. Students were blowing whistles into microphones and trying to intimidate anyone who disagreed with them on  a college campus that ironically had safe spaces and trigger warnings; students are allowed to terrorize conservative students.

Milo was met with the same shenanigans by student government and administration at UCI twice.

ASUCI is controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, a Wahhabi Muslim organization based out of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the US are all on the same team. Wahhabi Muslims are Radical Islamists. They hurt moderate Muslims as much, if not more, than they hurt Christians around the world. The US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel are clearly colluding, at least to me, to generate a theater of hate that will allow sheepish Republicans to jump on board the censorship bandwagon to allow Israel to continue being a terrorist state. This statement could be deemed antisemitic, even though I have no problem with Jewish people. I hate all religions. That doesn’t erase the humanity that we all share. We’re human beings first. It’s a shame that religions so successfully drive people apart and generate hate by creating “us versus them” thinking. That’s exactly what the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel are doing. The goal is to perpetuate terrorism in the middle east. UC’s are part of the goal. ASUCI spends student government fees to perpetuate terrorism by pushing antisemitic rhetoric and making Jewish students feel unsafe on college campuses, warranting more and more censorship to protect Jewish people. No amount of censorship is acceptable. Censorship is for cults where leaders have something to hide.

Milo challenged Radical Islam in his talks. He’s also a non-practicing Jew. You’ll hear his protestors at UCI chanting things like “Free, Free Palestine!” [3]

There’s a long history of the Muslim Brotherhood violating the first amendment rights of speakers by deliberately disrupting speaking events at UCI and other college campuses. They usually are allowed to break the law with impunity. Administrators usually are not on the side of freedom of learning. At one event however, 11 Muslim Student Union students were arrested for repeatedly interrupting a talk given by Israel ambassador Michael Oren, someone I don’t particularly care for.

The great first amendment lawyer Shawn Steele was present at Milo’s first talk at UCI. He was passing out flyers to remind students that disrupting the speech of speakers at events is not protected speech and subject to criminal prosecution. An independent journalist stopped him to ask him a few questions:

“Now they hit them with a $500 fine today. We’re going to fight it all. They’ve been trying to marginalize us but the UCI police showed up doing their job. Uh, basically there are more pro-freedom people than anti-freedom people.”

“Yes, of course, the line’s around the corner over here and they’re just a little huddle over here.”

“Yea, yea.”

“We got a brochure or we got a leaflet and we’re talking about that students have done this before. The Muslim Student Association, which is a Saudi financed terrorist organization,”

“Muslim finance, okay, yea.”

 “The Muslim Student Association, they tried to shut down ambassador Oren of Israel and they did. And, uh, eleven of them were arrested and convicted and we got the articles, this was four years ago, and we want to remind them that disrupting free speech assembly can get them into jail.”[4]


A member of student government, I’ll call him Crybully from here on forward, who acts more like a cult leader than an employee of a federally funded campus, pranced around Steele.

“Don’t touch me, don’t touch me, can I take one? Can I take one?” And then tears it up. “Don’t forget to recycle.”


So he gets everyone to tear them up instead of reading them, stupid ignorant pieces of shit. This is exactly what a cult would train its members to do.

“End white terrorism!” (Cult dogma.)

“UC, UC, you’re no good. Treat your students like you should!”

“You’re so tolerant.” Steele tells these cult followers.

“You assaulted my roommate, get the fuck out of here!” said the girl who played the camera when her confederate, shouting “Love Trumps Hate,” threw something at a vocal spectator. She obviously thinks all white men look the same. This is a common side affect of isolating yourself among people who look like you. Isn’t Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion grand? This is what it’s doing on college campuses.


 The man in question was not Tom Steele. It was a man who was yelling “End Islamic Terrorism!” at a group with ties to Islamic terrorists. He wasn’t well received. One of the SJW’s threw something at him, committing actual battery, and the police did nothing. As the man responded, an ASUCI Muslim Brotherhood senator rushed him, posing for cameras while feigning rage of the oppressed and physically threatened this man who responded by pushing this ASUCI senator away. Like out of a basketball playbook, the girl who told Tom Steele to “Get the fuck out of here,” came barreling in like she was on defense, perfectly angled for the cameras. [5]

You could hear Social Justice cult dogma keep the crowd under the control of the Nomenklatura.

“This is white supremacy right here!”

“UC be anti-black! Fuck that, we’re busting back!”  

“End white terrorism!”

And Crybully, who holds protests to abolish the police and has UCSA workshops that teach students that black police officers are really white supremacists, runs to the nearest administrator:

“Are you protecting their freedom of speech and not our fucking actual freedom to fucking live?”


All fake. All a misuse of federal funds to use the first amendment’s protections for assembly to allow fascists to organize to shut down events with speakers who challenge the Nomenklatura, who challenge their cult, who challenge their means of control: misinformation.

The man who was harassed by the student government employee was ushered away be Vice Chancellor Parham. He was later interviewed. He had this to say:

“And it bothers me that the universities are graduating the most ignorant group of people in the history of this country. I’m just a 65-year-old guy who made it on his own, who struggled, who stayed in motels as I built a business. Single father who took his one-year-old daughter on business trips with me. Started from nothing…. These guys think they are entitled for people like me to work hard to support them to support their education. I wish more people had the guts to do this.”[5]


I agree.

There were various independent journalists and just curious people who were asking questions and recording answers digitally. Crybully was omnipresent, shutting down debate and conversations with anyone who looked like they could be conservative that could lead to his crew learning something and thinking for themselves.

This group of Social Justice cult members were small in comparison to people who were genuinely interesting in hearing Milo speak. The plaza where students were lined up see Milo was divided. People who wanted to hear Milo were questioned as well. Here, there was no Crybully running around getting students to shut up like little bitches.

“Move back to Europe! Move back to Europe!” [10]


One protestor is asked, “Why are you telling us to move back to Europe.” You can hear the member of EVP, Crybully, tell the student to “Don’t answer,” 31 seconds in, an order to which he obediently complies like a little cult bitch. [10]

Crybully then gets in the face of the interviewer and then says: 

“I will call a police officer. Stop getting in my space, You’re literally, no, but your invading my privacy. I would like you to stop asking me questions, I have the right to say, I have the right to speak whenever I want to speak. I also, okay, but I’m asking you to get the fuck away from me, so bye, so bye. I’m asking, are you not going to follow orders? Are you going to antagonize me? Are you going to stand here as a fucking 30-year-old man and fucking ask me questions, I will literally call the police, they’re right there. So please get the fuck away from my space. If I tell you to get away from my space, please get away from my space.[11]”

“You’re white and male.”

“You can’t tell a gay man of color what he should be doing!”[11]


Color is anyone who isn’t white or conservative. Republican Mexicans are mayonnaise who lost their Mexican card according to this Social Justice Warrior. And only white people can be racist.

This fucking idiot walks up to people to pull this shit. Pathetic. This is crybullying. This is why he’s called ‘Crybully’. I’m sure he teaches workshop on this shit at Social Justice Summits. Anything to keep his cult members in check. These types of “rituals” are typical of cults.

Anything to prevent exposing what totally stupid fucking idiots they are.

Crybully stopped another interaction by getting his cult crew to turn their backs to those who tried to have a discussion. This is pure censorship, federally funded no less. This is why the alliance between student government and administration is so treasonous. They shit on the first amendment and reward each other for trying to destroy America by collectively brainwashing kids who think they’re learning to make the world a better place when the opposite is true.

Deport! I don’t care if they’re citizens or not. Deport them to socialist countries and let America be a safe space for freedom lovers.

One student in line was asked why Milo was being protested.

“Yea, they’re protesting toward this event because according to them, Milo is just, it’s like he promotes hate speech according to them. While he’s only bashing against social justice. I don’t concur with milo 100%, but I really like how Milo’s like against social justice and how he proves his points.”[3]


Because this interviewer was a student, he didn’t seem to trigger Crybully to shut him down as he asked protestors why they were protesting Milo.

“He’s an anti-feminist, anti-everything,” the respondent giggles, referring to Milo.

“Cuz I had never heard of milo ‘til today.”

“I heard of him because he went to UCLA and he was there so I looked him up, and when the circle came in, I was like, oh shit. Is he here too? But no, honestly, I think we’re all just together cause we just want equality, peace, and love.”


And then they chant:

“Hey, hey. Ho, ho. These Trump supporters have got to go!”

“End white terrorism.”

Milo attendees respond, “10 feet higher!”

“Free, Free Palestine!”

“We can’t hear you!” “USA! USA! USA! USA!” which is apparently hate speech and a microaggression. “Can’t stump the Trump!”


At about eight minutes into this video, the same MSU ASUCI member who produced compelling shots in print the next day, was once again fighting, acting as though he was being held back, so overcome with emotion. Fake. And of course, he wasn’t arrested. [3]

But if you tapped someone’s shoulder and you weren’t a cult member, “ASSAULT!!!!!!!!” Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! While facing the cameras. [6]

“Turn around and touch me and I’ll fucking beat your ass” said a protestor who was chasing a visitor away and who also filed an assault charge on someone for tapping her on her shoulder. I’m sure she learned her “rights” at a Social Justice Summit workshop on crybullying. [7]

“You don’t know what you’re fighting for!” a Milo attendee at UCI shouted. [8]


“They don’t even know why they’re protesting,” said an observer at the DePaul Social Justice cult revival to shut Milo down. Milo went to the office of President of DePaul to challenge the campus being run by cunts after his talk was cut short over safety concerns because:

“Fuck Donald Trump”.

“You are white.”

“Check your privilege”

“Black lives matter!”

Milo is apparently “Racist, bigoted, and sexist.”

“You do not speak for us (gays)!” Only “White gay cis-gendered men!”

“Dangerous and offensive behavior that is discriminatory against black individuals and trans individual.”

Milo supports rape culture.

Statistics are racist.

“Feminism is cancer” is cultural appropriation and is disrespectful towards people and shouldn’t be allowed. (Fascism.)


These students who don’t think that it’s a crime to have penciled-in eyebrows that don’t match your hair color are saying that Milo’s words are violent. When asked for examples:

“You don’t know what he says than we can’t tell you.” [9]


Bullshit. They don’t know shit. There was one person who actually did talk to the person who made this video. She seemed to be totally independent, a brainswashed student outside of the student government Nomenklatura. Everyone else, they didn’t answer questions. And they complained to security to have people removed from the public university if they challenged the Nomenklatura in any way.

“Aren’t you leaving?”


Administration and student government collude to censor other people as wells. Heather Mac Donald challenges all of the bullshit that Social Justice Summits and offices of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion shovel down students throats and hold their mouths shut until they swallow. She challenges the typical fake news generated by the Communist United Nations Television (CUNT), also known as CNN, that produce hysteria based on victimhood or grievances. This manufactured hysteria is supposed to drive policy. You’d think she was the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church or a Nazi war criminal the way she’s attacked by Social Justice cult members.


She challenges the cult of social justice.

“Heather Mac Donald is a fascist, a white supremacist, a warhawk, a transphobe, a queerphobe, a classist, and ignorant of interlocking systems of domination that produce the lethal conditions under which oppressed peoples are forced to live,” it states. “Why are you, and other persons in positions of power at these institutions, protecting a fascist and her hate speech and not students that are directly affected by her presence?”[12]


Sounds familiar? This is what student protestors wrote in a petition in an attempt to shut down Mac Donald’s talk at Claremont McKenna College. Mind you, they’re calling Mac Donald a fascist during a period when punching fascists was encouraged. Calling her a fascist was inviting harm to Mac Donald.

“If engaged, Heather Mac Donald would not be debating on mere difference of opinion, but the right of Black people to exist.”[12]


Sound familiar?

“Free speech, a right many freedom movements have fought for, has recently become a tool appropriated by hegemonic institutions,” the students write. “It has not just empowered students from marginalized backgrounds to voice their qualms and criticize aspects of the institution, but it has given those who seek to perpetuate systems of domination a platform to project their bigotry.”[12]


If you’re unsure of whom the real fascists are, the petition by the Claremont College protestors should make it totally obvious:

‘…the students of the Claremont Colleges demand that the colleges take action against a conservative student newspaper, The Claremont Independent, for what they characterize as “its continual perpetuation of hate speech, anti-Blackness, and intimidation toward students of marginalized backgrounds,” adding that if the newspaper reports on their petition, “provided that the Claremont Independent releases the identity of students involved with this letter and such students begin to receive threats and hate mail … we demand that this institution and its constituents take legal action against members of the Claremont Independent involved with the editing and publication process as well as disciplinary action, such as expulsion on the grounds of endangering the wellbeing of others.”[12]’


They had planned to shut down her event.

The Independent cites a private Facebook page organizing the protest that state: “Heather Mac Donald has been vocally against the Black Lives Matter movement and pro-police, both of which show her fascist ideologies and blatant anti-Blackness and white supremacy. Let’s show CMC that having this speaker is an attack on marginalized communities both on campus and off. Together, we can hold CMC accountable and prevent Mac Donald from spewing her racist, anti-Black, capitalist, imperialist, fascist agenda.”[13]


At UCLA, MacDonald’s talk descended into chaos as Social Justice cult members were triggered by her data and interpretations of data that were not means for hysteria. Like Milo’s event at DePaul, students rushed the stage chanting “Black lives matter!”

“America was never great!” In their defense, they probably only know America under Obama, Clinton, and the Bushes. They don’t know what “great” is, only socialist shit and proxy wars started in Iraq with the first Bush. Media censorship became most notable under George Dub’Yuh after 9/11 and Clear Channel began buying out mainstream media. Those were the days of Dick Chaney, Haliburton, and every place they conquered becoming incredibly expensive, directly profiting Chaney. We’ve never recovered, only sinking deeper and deeper into the swamp that is racketeering and opportunistic corruption; national socialism.

A person in the audience asked her if “black victims killed by cops” mattered.

‘“Yes,” Mac Donald replied. “And do Black children that are killed by other Blacks matter to you?”  


At that the room erupted in gasps and angry moans and furious snaps, and the young lady who asked the original question began to yell at Mac Donald, pointing her finger and repeating the original question.

“Of course I care, and do you know what,” Mac Donald said. “There is no government agency more dedicated to the proposition that black lives matter than the police.”


Again, gasps and moans filled the auditorium.

“Bullshit! Bullshit!” a young woman off camera could be heard screaming.’

‘“I don’t trust your numbers.”’

“Why do white lives always need to be put above everybody else? Can we talk about black lives for one second?”

“The same system that sent police to murder black lives …”

“You have no right to speak!”

“What about white terrorism?!”[13]


The audience can’t believe that law-abiding Black people are relieved when police come to their aid. The only agency that will rush to a dangerous situation is the police department. Couple that with CNN and their perverted narrative of police killing Black people because police are racists, you’re going to have some terrified Black people out there who will be more inclined to do something reckless, especially if they have PTSD. Mainstream media and this anti-cop narrative practically force police to use more lethal force as police are themselves more threatened by this false narrative that stems from the UN that has been causing crime to increase and police to be impotent. The next step is to blame capitalism for the problems so that we’ll think socialism is the answer. Go to any UC. Every Sociology major thinks that socialism is good and capitalism is bad.

During an interview on Fox, Mac Donald describes how CNN looked at cops and shootings by population. They neglected the fact that cops are called to minority populations almost exclusively. CNN took technically mathematical data and blurred the story to push a racist narrative that causes Blacks to be even more unsafe. CNN used this fake story as a lead story. Cops are being forced to back off, causing murders to increase. [17]

“Civilian behavior predicts police behavior.” [18]


I don’t completely agree with that assessment. I’ve been through a couple of pretext stops where I knew that cops were hunting for arrests and pulling people over to look for arrests instead of being helpful. I don’t like driving at night because I don’t like feeling hunted. Unless you’ve lived in a poor city, it’s understandably not easy to empathize with feeling hunted by cops. Hey officer, if my tail light is out, I probably don’t know it. I keep spare bulbs. Instead of treating me like a criminal and basically holding me hostage for 20 minutes because I don’t have eyes on my rear bumper, here’s a thought, watch me change my bulb. Hang out with your cruiser so I can safely change the bulb in 30 fucking seconds! You don’t make it easy to support local PD.

Black Lives Matters doxed Mac Donald, which means that her personal information was released so that she could be a target of physical harassment at her home. I’m choking here, thinking about this group demanding safe spaces, and then doxing a woman who simply refutes the harmful dogma that BLM clings to for irrelevant relevance. Un-fucking-believable. Except that I attended UCI. I know who the most hateful, intolerant, racist, and vindictive people are: Social Justice cult members. There is no low low enough for them to stoop to reach a goal. By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) rejects morals and ethics. We’ll get back to BAMN later, possibly on a part II or part X of this story.

It’s all tied together. This is how a Nomenklatura works effectively.   

Don’t forget, the UN is pushing open borders, which means that UNESCO wants open borders, which means that departments of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion wants open borders. And student government umbrella organizations want open borders. And student governments want open borders. And because student government on college campuses operate like a Nomenklatura, every student organization wants open borders. And if a student doesn’t agree, they’re going to be bullied into silence or conform to prevent themselves from being ostracized, alone, and feeling wrong because it seems like everyone else is right in their unanimity. Couple that with the fact that many college students are psychologically vulnerable being away from home and their families, you can see how easy it is t recruit Social Justice cult members who are too obedient to stop and think, “Maybe the people who are calling Mac Donald a fascist are wrong. Maybe I should listen to her talk with an open mind instead of allowing cultish dogma to keep new ideas and new knowledge from impacting my thinking and decision making.”

‘And when Mac Donald talked about how mass immigration is driving down wages, the shouting down started up again: “Say it loud! Say it clear! Immigrants are welcome here!” Over and over they repeated the chant, making hearing Mac Donald’s points on the matter impossible.’[13]


They aren’t speaking for students. They aren’t speaking for illegal aliens. They aren’t speaking for Dreamers. They’re speaking for the UN. Believe it or not, not all illegal aliens are from Mexico. I’ve always worked with people who came to the US illegally from Mexico and Central America. I’ve met spouses who couldn’t return to Mexico to attend to a dying parent. I’ve met “anchor babies”. Open borders and the abolition of ICE hurts everybody, especially law-abiding illegal aliens, of which there are many. I should add that I’ve never met an illegal alien on welfare, only hard-working men and women who are religious and provide for their families; conservatives. These are not radical Muslims who’ll behead girls who’ve lost their virginity to rape or have their daughter’s clitoris surgically removed with a crude cutting device and no anesthesia. No. Not all immigrants are welcome here.

Mac Donald gives talk on immigration that directly contradict the UN desires for an open border. Colleges don’t want students to learn. So they activate their Social Justice cult members to obstruct and shut down events, or risk some intersectional identity from being erased from existence by violent words like “fluffy”.

Who is Heather Mac Donald anyways? Who does she think she is?

“Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal, and a New York Times bestselling author. She is a recipient of the 2005 Bradley Prize. Mac Donald’s work at City Journal has covered a range of topics, including higher education, immigration, policing, homelessness and homeless advocacy, criminal-justice reform, and race relations. Her writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The New Republic, and The New Criterion. Mac Donald’s newest book, The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture (2018), argues that toxic ideas first spread by higher education have undermined humanistic values, fueled intolerance, and widened divisions in our larger culture.” [14]


She basically challenges the pseudoscience and fallacies that are the direct foundation of social justice and indirect foundation of treason. I highly recommend listening to her lectures on YouTube. You don’t have to agree with her. Just listen. Whatever you do from there is up to you.

Her talk on bureaucracies in colleges are accurate. She challenges departments of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) fearlessly and with solid support for her arguments. Her comments about UC’s are now an understatement as UC’s have become even more fascist thanks to the cult of social justice. We cannot underestimate how evil EDI is. [15,16]

You’ll see that there is nothing fascist about Mac Donald. The fascist want her silences.  

What was the Factual Feminist, Christina Hoff Sommers called when she was to attend college campuses to talk about the corruption of feminism and the attack on boys by social justice?

Posters for Sommers’ event at Suffolk University triggered and offended students, violating a school guideline that didn’t exist because it apparently hadn’t been “published yet”. Sommers’ talk was deemed “hate speech’. Hate is whatever fascists don’t want you know. “Don’t listen to her. She spews hate speech you. What are you, a Nazi? Be righteous like the rest of us fascists.”

The Office of Student Life and Involvement told the Suffok U. Young Americans for Freedom campus organization that they would have to take their signs down. [19]

At Oberlin College, the Factual Feminist was treated like she was Cujo from Steven King’s novel of the same name, making everyone feel unsafe from her violent words and her ideas that could spread like rabies. They even held space spaces with a therapy dog for students that she was going to cause to have PTSD. I have CPTSD and I can listen to Sommers without reverting to a primal panic attack and becoming suicidal. So fuck these assholes. I hate my disorder. Fuck them so much. They have no fucking idea what they’re talking about. And using my disorder as an intellectual shield is fucked up. Healing is through exposure therapy. This is why I call bullshit on these fascists who’ve been retarded by the cult of social justice. They can joke about my disorder, laugh about my disorder, even make fun of me for my disorder. Do not use it to censor people. Censorship is wrong. You don’t go to therapy to sit there and not talk and expect there to be any progress. You don’t go to therapy to heal from PTSD and have a therapist say, “SHHHHHHH” to everything you say. What these students at Oberlin College are doing to stop Sommers from speaking is just sick, absolutely perverted. [20]

“Christina Hoff Sommers & OCRL support rapists!!” OCRL is Oberlin College Republicans and Libertarians.

 “Fuck anti-feminists.”

“ “And just so everyone is aware, we will be gatekeeping the safe space event, so if we feel that you are a toxic, dangerous, and/or violent person, we’re not going to allow you into the event, so please keep that in mind,” one of the students said in the video.”[20]”

“By bringing her to a college campus laden with trauma and sexualized violence and full of victims/survivors, OCRL is choosing to reinforce this climate of denial/ blame/shame that ultimately has real life consequences on the wellbeing of people who have experienced sexualized violence,” they wrote. “We could spend all of our time and energy explaining all of the ways she’s harmful. But why should we?” [23]


Another clever deflection from a Social Justice cult member to hide how intellectually sheltered they choose to be in order to fit in. You seriously can’t get an answer that isn’t preprogrammed from these people. Cult!

““As previously reported by Campus Reform, Oberlin feminists decried the event put on by OCRL. The female students, many of whom declined to comment to Campus Rerm for the article, said on the event’s public Facebook page that Sommer’s presence on campus made them feel “unsafe.”” [20]


Sommers has also been reported to be a “Known fascist” and “rape apologist/denialist”. Like Heather Mac Donald, keep in mind that it was punching fascists was a thing. I’ll get into the violence perpetrated by social justice cult members later. They are violent. Their threats are both overt and covert. Calling Sommers a fascist on campuses that teach cultural Marxism and protect AntiFa through student government is a covert threat. It’s easy to underestimate the power cult leaders have over their members. Remember “Heaven’s Gate”? These cult members were allowed to go outside and have some limited freedom, and they still all killed themselves. Cults are no joke. I’m not using the term lightly or facetiously. [21]

At Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon, “made good on their threat to disrupt a Christina Hoff Sommers event at the Law School yesterday afternoon.” [22]

Obstructing free speech is not protected speech. Whomever is teaching these future lawyers and judges should be fired. They’ve obviously failed at their job.

Microaggressions are real. The gender wage gap is real.”

I have renamed my vagina “Gender Gap”. My vagina, unlike the gender wage gap, is real.

“Mic check. We choose. To protest. Male supremacy. Not give it. A platform. Christina Sommers. Has repeatedly. Delegitimized. The suffering of women. Worldwide. We believe. Our siblings. And our comrades. Women are not. Liars with victim mentalities. Rape culture is not a myth. Microaggressions are real. The gender wage gap is real.” [22]


 They said that “because of the way systemic oppression manifests, we know those who live at intersections of oppression—cis and trans women of color, genderqueer and gender non-conforming women of color—bear the brunt of this attempt to legitimize gendered violence.” They said “we now understand how language works, and how it can be used to reproduce the systems of oppression.” This view leaves no room for free speech: all perspective that clash with those of the activists are inherently violent and oppressive, and thus unfit for public utterance.”[22]


 The link attached to this article includes a video of the disruption. Not, it’s not satire. It seems like satire as they echo what other cult members are chanting in unison across the US and the globe thanks to the UN. Social Justice is a cult. These protests and disruptions are what they’re trained to do, to shut down free speech and the spread of ideas that challenge the Nomenklatura.

Again, Sommers, like Heather Mac Donald and Milo Yiannopoulos, sound like horrible people full of hate and blessed with privilege in some social justice category.

What did Sommers’ do to “trigger” the Social Justice cult members?

Sommers’ tweeted:

“Want to close the wage gap? Step one: Change your major from feminist dance therapy to electrical engineering.” [24,25]

[24, 25]

“The incident at Lewis & Clark comes at a time when higher education continues to discuss whether colleges are tolerant of all ideas and visiting speakers, and especially ideas voiced by those who go against the grain of widely shared views on campuses.” [25]


Widely shared? No one is allowed to think for themselves. They are taught what to think, not how to think. These aren’t ideas that students came up with. They were fed them. A handful of Social Justice Summit graduates and followers collected from their fascist school’s Nomenklatura pretend like they speak for everyone. They don’t. With every protest, you’ll find that the majority has an open mind and talks are shut down by the minority group of Social Justice Summit-trained obstructionists who are on the same team as their deceptive administrators. [22]

Same thing with the great Jordan Peterson [27]  and the not so great Ben Shapiro. They too challenge the Nomenklatura. These people are independently coming to their own conclusions, sharing their ideas in talks, and then are able to learn from each other through engaging in talks on college campuses. Mainstream media attacks them. Schools produce library research guides to keep you from learning about them; no blogs, only sources that use the fascist APA or NYT style guide. Social media sites try to de-platform them.

No college wants women to feel like they have power. Both Sommers and Mac Donald are accused of being “rape apologists” because they both correctly point out that women CAN prevent rape, especially while at college. DON’T BINGE DRINK AT COED PARTIES. [26]

Regret sex is not rape. And if two people are drunk and hook up, the male is not automatically rapist. How is this not common sense?

This is where Sommers diverges from Mac Donald. Sommers blames feminism that she calls “fainting couch feminism” for killing common sense about rape. Women are so weak and fragile, “a silenced an oppressed class”. [26]

And, of course, there’s the patriarchy. Men are evil, violent, aggressive rapists if you believe gender studies pseudoscience.

Sommers considers herself an “equity feminist”.

“Equity feminism is just about gender equality. It wants for women what it wants for everyone-fair treatment, respect, and dignity.” [26]

“I think the rape culture theory was just an outgrowth of this infantilized view of women. The fainting couchers enlarged the meaning of sexual assault to include a lot of activities that most of us don’t think of as sexual assault. They collapsed the distinction between regretted sex and rape. An equity feminist does not assume that all sex under the influence is assault, or that men are automatically to blame. That’s not to say that sexual assault isn’t a real problem on campus.” [26]


Naturally, she’s critical of Title IX, which at UCLA falls under the department of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

“When there’s a serious allegation of assault, it should go to th police and the courts, and universities shouldn’t be pressured to set up a judicial system where students can be found guilty of a major crime by a mere preponderance of the evidence.”

And I think a major source of the trouble is binge drinking. I certainly think alcohol prevention programs are part of the solution. Some women say that is blaming the victim. Teaching people how to avoid becoming victims isn’t blaming the victim. It’s common sense.” [26]


When the Nomenklatura is using sexual assault as a proxy to destroy the 5th amendment, speaking up against Title IX ends up getting blown way out of proportion and you will be attacked. I couldn’t challenge this at UCI because I’m white, according to a senator in ASUCI who is a socialist and is clearly for destroying the Bill of Rights, shielded by social justice and identity politics, backed by other social justice warriors who passed through the same social justice trainings if they aren’t CIA plants.

These social justice warriors keep demanding more workshops on diversity to cripple students in a way that will make them vulnerable to cult recruiting. Cal State Fullerton even has a program for all men (even men who identify as women) who are any color except white. Gee, I wonder why?

“On Friday, September 8, until Sunday, September 10, 2017; 22 CSUF undergraduate men of color ranging from freshman to seniors, stretching a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds boarded a charted bus at the Gastronome and headed for the hills of Orange, California at the Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center (Irvine Ranch).  Some young men arrived eager, while others nervously unpacked their bags as strangers; however, as the B2B Retreat commenced a collective vulnerability became customary and a sense of brotherhood began to emerge.” [29]


Sounds to me like how you’d recruit more cult members.

“I hate to say it, but some of those students need the services of a professional deprogrammer. What I saw was very cult-like,” said Sommers.

It’s not cult-like. It’s a cult. These students are in a cult. [20]


I’ll provide more evidence of this in coming stories. This story is already much longer than I had anticipated. There’s so much material to be read.

My next article will be about how violent social justice cults are created and cultists are recruited through Social Justice Summits and give you an idea of what they are and how they are fucking with the minds of college students.

Finally, to go back to information gleaned from the Cult Education Institute’s website, it’s important to dispel any myths of cult followers as being a certain type of person, that most people are immune from falling into cults.

“All types of people. Individuals from strong and troubled families, with and without histories of psychological problems. People who have had and have not had drug problems, with a solid or weak religious background, the educated and uneducated, the wealthy, poor, middle class, intelligent and not so intelligent.

One of the myths about cult involvement is that a certain type of person is more vulnerable. Another myth is that healthy, strong, intelligent well-educated people from good families don’t become involved. Or, that somehow if someone has clearly defined religious convictions they cannot be recruited. These theories have never been proven or substantiated through research. In fact, repeated studies continue to indicate a wide and varied background for cult recruits.

Frankly, cults are quite good at persuasion and indoctrination; it’s their stock and trade. And most people simply are not prepared, either through education and personal experience, to be sensitive to the possible impact of cult methodology.

The truth is, almost anyone could potentially become involved with an unsafe or destructive group. We are all especially suggestible at certain times, when depressed, lonely, during an awkward transition, when within a new environment such as a college campus away from home, after a romantic breakup, death in the family or some other personal problem or ordeal. Since all people have such experiences, we all have periods of vulnerability. And many destructive cults/groups have honed their skills, timing and focused their programs to exploit such situations as opportunities for recruitment. [1]”


If your kid is in college, I recommend checking out the link to the PDF from the “Families Against Cult Teachings” website. I’m convinced that deprogramming is what will be needed for many of these cult members to survive outside of college without being mentally ill and without becoming future terrorists.

Look at AntiFa. Social Justice cult members are terrorists. Protect your kids.  

And for God’s sake, defund UC’s.

Where is the Department of Justice?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[1] Cult Education Institute, (2014). Defining a Cult. Cult Education Institute. Retrieved from:

For further reading:

Click to access FACT-Resource-File.pdf

[2] Gray, R., (2016). Black Lives Matter protesters disrupt Milo Yiannopoulos speech at DePaul University. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[3] Barna Production Company, (2016). Milo Yiannopoulos Protest UCI June 2, 2016. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[4] Shuttershot45, (2016). UC Irvine Protesters destroy flyers as older man passes them out. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[5] Shuttershot45, (2016). 65 year old man vs. Anti Trump/ Milo Protesters UC Irvine. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[6] Shuttershot45, (2016). UC Irvine protestor freaks out on man who taps her shoulder. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[7] Mark, J., (2016). SJW Feminist blow up at Milo Yiannopoulous event at UCI # Special and famous people. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[8] Divework, (2016). UCI Milo. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[9] Duerst the wuerst, (2016). Triggered #DePaul protestors go apeshit at Milo Yiannopoulos talk. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[10] Shuttershot45, (2016). Anti-Trump / Milo Protesters at UC Irvine chant “Go back to Europe”. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[11] Callahanx, H., (2016). Owning SJW Liberal Protestors at Milo Yiannopoulos UCI Event. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[12] Friedersdorf, C., (2017). Words Which by Their Very Utterance Inflict Injury. The Atlantic. Retrieved from:

[13] Kabbany, J., (2017).‘War on Cops’ author Heather Mac Donald shouted down at UCLA by hysterical Black Lives Matter protest. The College Fix. Retrieved from:

[14] Manhattan Institute, (2018). Heather Mac Donald, Thomas W. Smith Fellow. Contributing Editor, City Journal. Manhattan Institute. Retrieved from:

[15] Program on Constitutional Government at Harvard, (2013). Heather MacDonald on Bureaucracies in Academia. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[16] The American Mind, (2014). Sex, Lies & Bureaucracy: The Insanity of Higher Education Heather MacDonald on The American Mind. The American Mind. Retrieved from:

[17] Fox, (2016). ‘War on Cops’ author refutes CNN-touted gun study.

Fox Business. Retrieved from:

[18] Fox, (2016). Heather Mac Donald on race relations under President Obama. Fox Business. Retrieved from:

[19] Huber, D., (2018). Suffolk U. leftists plan to protest upcoming Christina Hoff Sommers appearance. The College Fix. Retrieved from:

[20] Schallhorn, K., (2015). Feminists protest conservative female speaker, retreat to ‘safe space’. Campus Reform. Retrieved from:

[21] Mcardle, M., (2018). Law-School Students Shout Down “Known Fascist” Christina Hoff Sommers. The National Review. Retrieved from:

[22] Soaye, R., (2018). Students at Lewis and Clark College Shouted Down Christina Hoff Sommers: ‘We Choose to Protest Male Supremacy’. Reason. Retrieved from:

[23] Paul, E., (2015). Students protest Sommers’ lecture. The Oberlin Review. Retrieved from:

[24] The infamous tweet.

[25] Jaschik, S., (2018). Speech, Interrupted: Law students at Lewis & Clark College interrupt appearance by Christina Hoff Sommers. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from:

[26] Saul, S., (2017). ‘Victim Feminism’ and Sexual Assault on Campus. Ed talk. The New York Times. Retrieved from:

[27] Oh look, another JBP character assassination. Facebook. Retrieved from:

[28] Cal State Fullerton, (2018). Male Success Initiative Brother-2-Brother application PDF. Cal State Fullerton. Retrieved from:

[29] Cal State Fullerton, (2018). Student Academic Services Male Success Initiative. Cal State Fullerton. Retrieved from:

For further reading on UNESCO

Click to access 248254e.pdf

UNESCO Diversity and Inclusion PDF

Click to access FICCI%20Doc%20II_Diversity%20%20Social%20Inclusion_4Jan.pdf

Keith Fink and Justin Gelzhiser were lynched by UCLA: the story that should make you sick.

By Alexandria Jane.

Politics is downwind of culture.

If you’re at all familiar with the intellectual and scientific void that is the University of California constellation of anti-American cancer, then you’re probably familiar with how UC’s operate like a Soviet Union Nomenklatura, an elite group of people who infiltrate and affect all agencies that affect culture knowing that politics is downwind of culture, to push totalitarian national socialism with impunity.

UC’s attack American culture to attack American politics, like cancer attacks a body.

This cancer is attacking conservative professors and anyone on campus who defend them.

Professor Keith Fink was fired by this cancer.

First, I can’t stress enough how important the story is about the professional lynching of Keith Fink and Jason Gelzhiser. For everyone who was suspicious about the motives behind the orchestrated attack on American culture by social justice proxies, this is evidence to confirm your worst suspicions; social justice is totalitarianism; producing the opposite effects of what it claims to accomplish; achieving inequality, division, and exclusion instead of equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Who is Keith Fink? I have attached some links to various speeches and related articles regarding his lynching by UCLA administrators where you can learn more about his extraordinary credentials. Fink is a UCLA alumnus, a professor at UCLA in the Communications department, holding the record as the best national debater in UCLA’s history, as well as an accomplished lawyer with his own firm, earning excellent evaluations from his clients, from his students, and from his actual peers. [1,2,3]

He describes himself in his course syllabus:

“I am a UCLA alumnus who spent most of his time at UCLA in the then Speech Department debating for the school. While I am a litigator who specializes in employment law, I have taught for many years in the areas of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties. My website can give you some more background information on me. [4]”

So what exactly happened? What went wrong? How do I even start? I cannot believe what has happened to this guy. Except that I attended UC Irvine. I am very familiar with student government and their anti-American alliance with administration and the UC Regents. I’ve long argued that UCI is where you go to learn how not learn, to learn how not to think. Fink says the same thing about what UCLA has become. And just like I was attacked for challenging this totalitarian mental illness called social justice at UCI, Fink was lynched by the same anti-intellectual, pseudoscientific cancer called Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; social justice.

Professor Fink practiced the Socratic method in his classes with his students. The Socratic Method is:

 “The oldest, and still the most powerful, teaching tactic for fostering critical thinking is Socratic teaching. In Socratic teaching we focus on giving students questions, not answers. We model an inquiring, probing mind by continually probing into the subject with questions. Fortunately, the abilities we gain by focusing on the elements of reasoning in a disciplined and self-assessing way, and the logical relationships that result from such disciplined thought, prepare us for Socratic questioning. [5]”

The Socratic Method is kind of like a mental gym that exercises the very intellectual faculties that form the basis of science and philosophy. Free speech is at the core of philosophy and science, and yet UCLA lynched a professor for using the Socratic Method and current events that sometimes challenged UCLA and administrators to better teach students debate and law in a relevant an meaningful way. The Socratic Method might lead to students learning how to think, not what to think. I know that teaching students how to think at UCI was nonexistent as students were groomed to be Marxists.  What happened to Fink is not an isolated UCLA problem. It’s not even a UC problem. It is a student government problem which extends across America and across borders to Canada, all pushing the same treasonous UN rhetoric.

There are different student government organizations across the United States that all fall under the umbrella of the United States Student Association (USSA). UC student governments fall under the umbrella of the University of California Student Association (UCSA), which is under the umbrella of USSA, conveniently the source of petitions that different colleges across the US disseminate with identical wording, as though USSA controls student government agendas and goals, not college students. [6,7]

Currently, USSA is seeking college participants to generate identical petitions for a sexual assault survivor’s bill of rights in a manner that creates the illusion that different colleges agree on pressing issues, like the petitions for free college that came from USSA. Doesn’t sound like a bad idea on the surface, protecting the rights of sexual assault survivors. Enter USSA, a student lobbying organization that is part of the Nomenklatura, working in conjunction with the Democrat/National Socialist party to destroy America. The sexual assault survivor’s bill of rights is a bad thing, a really, really, really, really, really, really, really, bad thing. [8]

USSA has been lobbying for H.R. 4030, the Title IX protection act. The Demonazis didn’t take too kindly to Betsy De Vos restoring due process for the accused in sexual assault cases by rescinding parts of the Dear Colleague letter from April 4th, 2011. Obviously, Dems hate anything that protects anyone from tyranny, or they wouldn’t be so intent on destroying the 5th amendment through H.R. 4030. And how clever to use student government to get taxpayers to pay for lobbying so they don’t have to spend a dime of their own money. They’re not crooks at all. Dems won the Commiefornia midterm elections ‘ahem’ fair and ‘cough, cough’ square. They’re so honest. They deserve special badges or arm bands or something, with SS embroidered on them with black thread. [9, 10, 11, 12]

First off, what is Title IX?

“Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities in federally funded schools at all levels.1  If any part of a school district or college receives any Federal funds for any purpose, all of the operations of the district or college are covered by Title IX.2

Title IX protects students, employees, applicants for admission and employment, and other persons from all forms of sex discrimination, including discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity.  All students (as well as other persons) at recipient institutions are protected by Title IX—regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, part- or full-time status, disability, race, or national origin—in all aspects of a recipient’s educational programs and activities.” [13]

Remember Title IX because this plays an important role in this story. And remember that Title IX is a department under the office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion headed by Dean Jerry Kang, whose name will return a few more times in this tale of anti-American treason. [23]

While Fink is successfully teaching courses, getting rave reviews, creating his own courses, teaching packed classrooms and always adding seniors on waiting lists, always the free speech advocate, UCLA was becoming more and more fascist, the ideology of social justice governing all aspects of campus and off-campus life. New departments were being constructed to further cultural Marxism and fascism. Students were apparently more and more sensitive, requiring trigger warnings and safe spaces, thus covertly attempting to codify censorship on a college campus that receives federal funds and get away with it. Censorship on a college campus is supposed to be unconstitutional.

Free speech was just up Fink’s alley and that alley that was gradually clogged by social justice at UCLA.

‘”The fact that I use current events at UCLA as teaching examples to illustrate free-speech principles likely bothers the administration, often because their campus-wide emails run afoul of the First Amendment and directly or indirectly trample on students’ free-speech rights,” said Mr. Fink, who was out of the country and responded to questions by email.

He has drawn the ire of administrators in other ways, too, he said. According to Mr. Fink, his conservative political beliefs have always been at odds with those of most other people on the campus. And then there was his lawyerly campus activism: On occasion he has assisted UCLA students who faced campus disciplinary or legal proceedings.’[14]

Fink actively combined current events on campus and the Socratic Method in his classroom. In doing so, he was often critical of UCLA, exposing how UCLA trampled the rights of students.

‘”The fact that I use current events at UCLA as teaching examples to illustrate free-speech principles likely bothers the administration, often because their campuswide emails run afoul of the First Amendment and directly or indirectly trample on students’ free-speech rights,” said Mr. Fink, who was out of the country and responded to questions by email.[14]’

Fink defended students who were accused of dressing in blackface and were facing severe sanctions by the school when in fact they were dressed as miners, gold diggers in reference to a song by Kanye West. The vice chancellor of the UCLA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Jerry Kang, never conducted an investigation and, as you can tell by his Crosscheck website, he still hasn’t. [15]

Fink defended Alexandra Wallace, a UCLA Political Science major with great breasts, who posted a video on YouTube expressing her frustration with international students in her apartment complex and in the library; she was frustrated by the large number of students in the library calling family and friends in Japan after the devastating tsunami in 2011 while students were trying to study. When she imitates the Asians on their phones, holy shit. Internet gold. Her video, which harmed no one, quickly went viral and she was soon facing death threats and threats of punishment from UCLA. Some of the responses to her video were platinum, demonstrating how more speech is far more beneficial and healthier to repair social fumbles compared to social justice censorship and sanctions.  Check out the links below. You’ll be singing “Ching chong” for days. [16,17,18]

Fink also defended posters that were critical of a student organization on campus known to promote antisemitism, “activism” that is endorsed by UCSA. This student organization has been coddled by social justice, enabled by administration who look the other way as they repeatedly violate the first amendment while seeking censorship of dissenters, across UC’s. [1]

Dean Kang’s response to these posters:

‘“We will deploy all lawful resources to counter any harassment…or intimidation.” [1]’

Kind of sounds like fascism. This is a threat to all students and faculty who dare dissent.

Who is Jerry Kang?

“I am a legal academic who thinks about “technologies” understood very broadly. Half of my work deals with communications and cyberspace, on matters such as privacy, pervasive computing, and computer-mediated communities. The other half deals with civil rights and race, which I have come to view as a socio-cognitive and cultural technology.

As of July 1, 2015, I’ve started my role as Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

If you’re interested in the work of my new office, please visit [19]”

Kang’s UCLA biography lists is impressive if you don’t know that the Harvard Implicit Bias test is not valid and that much of what he applies his legal expertise toward is pseudoscience and cultural Marxism disguised as social justice:

“Jerry Kang is Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.  He is also Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law, Professor of Asian American Studies (by courtesy) at UCLA, and the inaugural Korea Times — Hankook Ilbo Chair in Korean American Studies and Law.

Professor Jerry Kang’s teaching and research interests include civil procedure, race, and communications. On race, he has focused on the nexus between implicit bias and the law, with the goal of advancing a “behavioral realism” that imports new scientific findings from the mind sciences into legal discourse and policymaking. He is also an expert on Asian American communities, and has written about hate crimes, affirmative action, the Japanese American internment, and its lessons for the “War on Terror.” He is a co-author of Race, Rights, and Reparation: The Law and the Japanese American Internment (2d ed. Wolters Kluwer 2013). [20]”

Yeah, a Vice Chancellor who heads a scam department used as a tool to make students mentally ill, to destroy academic careers, to promote and condone censorship, to help lynch professors, and to undermine the Bill of Rights wasn’t too happy about having a professor undermining the totalitarian witch hunts by his department by teaching students what their rights are.

‘“Vice Chancellor Jerry Kang will post self-written commentaries, other articles and videos on CrossCheck to help students better understand the concept of equity. Kang said he launched the website in late September to provide a central hub for additional information on issues like race and gender discrimination. He added he hopes the website deepens the way UCLA students think and talk about equity.

“Anything I say will create a pushback, whether people think I’ve said too much or not enough,” he said. “But after (the “Kanye Western” themed raid), it was most important for me to convey empathy for students who experienced what they did. [21]’

Are you aware of what’s going on at college campuses? The cultural Marxism being pushed to groom national socialist Bruins? Race and gender are atoms bombs on free speech, which is at the core of science and philosophy. Only white people can be racist because white people are some kind of disease that cause genocide. Look at the USSA website again [22]. This message is being deliberately spread like a disease across America by student lobbying organizations disguised as student governments. And white males are the most privileged and the most biased human beings on Earth, so erase science and philosophy if the author is a white male. And if the philosophy or research contradicts the Nomenklatura and comes from a woman, she’s either internalized misogyny or she’s a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, white supremacist, even if she isn’t white. I kid you not. What Kang champions is code for censorship, discrimination, and totalitarianism disguised as Populism; the destruction of America.

Kang champions destroying science and research to pave the way for one ideology, one ideology is critical for communism to be successful, cultural Marxism.

Fink got in the way. And he knew that administrators wanted him ousted.

So along comes his 18-quarter “Excellence Revue”. The whole thing is fishy. The Interim Dean of Social Sciences, Laura Gómez, heads his “Excellence Review’, a review process that Fink had long been critical of. [24]

“Fink had contested the fairness of the “Excellence Review,” a review lecturers undergo after 18 quarters of teaching to determine whether they meet the university’s standard of excellence, long before UCLA made the decision not to renew his contract. Since Fink’s firing, both UCLA and Fink have publicly disagreed about the reasons why the university chose not to renew Fink’s contract. As detailed in FIRE’s letter, Gómez’s letter notifying Fink of the non-renewal fails to provide specific justifications for the decision. [24]”

After his course was reviewed by someone who wasn’t a lawyer or an expert on free speech, after he was accused of making students feel uncomfortable which was refuted by the students in question, after Fink was given smaller lecture halls and classrooms to cut down on his class size,  after people who Fink stated were biased against him and should have recused themselves from his review were part of his review committee while those whom Fink considered unbiased were not, after Fink always gave seniors add slips to his always full courses which were suddenly being denied, after Fink fought with a fascist administration that had already decided to fire him before his bogus evaluation even started, he was let go on June 27. Dean Gomez did not renew his contract. [1,2,3,29]

There’s more. I recommend listening to the YouTube videos below a few times. Links to articles and a PDF authored by FIRE are in the links below. UCLA used Fink to dupe students into enrolling in courses that they may not have chosen otherwise; school departments receive larger shares of revenue from summer course and appeared to used Fink’s popularity to allegedly commit fraud. [25,27]

Fink is an excellent professor with excellent evaluations from his students and his peers. His reviews on Rate My Professor are excellent. His students held protests on campus in support of him despite the online smear campaign that tried to make Fink’s firing seem legitimate.

‘The spat illustrates what Mr. Fink describes as an intolerant culture at the university. “UCLA pays lip service to the notions of academic freedom and viewpoint diversity,” he said, “but there’s an implied understanding among the school’s leaders that this really only applies if your views align with theirs.”[14]’

“School’s leaders” includes teacher’s assistants as well as professors, TA’s like Justin Gelzhiser who defended Fink. [26]

Please, I realize that this is getting long but I promise you that want to know about Gelzhiser, how Communication department manager Jane Bitar threatened Gelzhiser using Title IX and an unsubstantiated sexual assault allegation to induce him to resign as a TA.

“The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights opened an investigation into UCLA on Wednesday for possible sexual harassment under Title IX, a department spokesman said. The investigation follows a complaint filed on behalf of Justin Gelzhiser, a Ph.D. candidate in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, which claims the communication department staff threatened to report Gelzhiser to the Title IX office unless he left his teachi ng assistant position in the department. [23]”

Jane Bitar was a mandated reporter as a UCLA employee. She claimed to receive a report of a sexual assault claim against Gelzhiser. There was no report, however. Either Bitar failed to do her job as a mandated reporter and should have been fired, or there was no actual accuser. Obviously, an investigation would go no further, right? You would be wrong. The accused is only allowed whatever aspects of due process that the accuser asks for, like evidence. The accused is totally powerless, at the mercy of whomever makes a claim against him or her. This is anti-male UCLA; the accused are going to be male, grounds for sexual harassment by the accused. Everyone has sexual histories, bizarre internet searches, online jokes, anything that can be dredged up as evidence, which doesn’t have to be much to deem a person guilty of anything. This should scare anyone who fears tyranny and abuse.

The following is from the Dear Colleague letter from April 4th 2011 that fascist UCSA and USSA puppets are so upset that Betsy DeVos rescinded (this is where the hysterical and deliberately outrageously wrong Big Lie fallacy “1-in-5” statistic came from that student government reps keep repeating to push their anti-American agenda despite the flawed research having been debunked):

“The statistics on sexual violence are both deeply troubling and a call to action for the nation. A report prepared for the National Institute of Justice found that about 1 in 5 women are victims of completed or attempted sexual assault while in college.3 page 2

OCR’s work indicates that a number of issues related to an adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation arise in sexual harassment and violence complaints. In some cases, the conduct may constitute both sexual harassment under Title IX and criminal activity. Police investigations may be useful for fact-gathering; but because the standards for criminal investigations are different, police investigations or reports are not determinative of whether sexual harassment or violence violates Title IX. Conduct may constitute unlawful sexual harassment under Title IX even if the police do not have sufficient evidence of a criminal violation. In addition, a criminal investigation into allegations of sexual violence does not relieve the school of its duty under Title IX to resolve complaints promptly and equitably. 

As noted above, the Title IX regulation requires schools to provide equitable grievance procedures. As part of these procedures, schools generally conduct investigations and hearings to determine whether sexual harassment or violence occurred. In addressing complaints filed with OCR under Title IX, OCR reviews a school’s procedures to determine whether the school is using a preponderance of the evidence standard to evaluate complaints. The Supreme Court has applied a preponderance of the evidence standard in civil litigation involving discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000e et seq. Like Title IX, Title VII prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex.26 OCR also uses a preponderance of the evidence standard when it resolves complaints against recipients. For instance, OCR’s Case Processing Manual requires that a noncompliance determination be supported by the preponderance of the evidence when resolving allegations of discrimination under all the statutes enforced by OCR, including Title IX.27 OCR also uses a preponderance of the evidence standard in its fund termination administrative hearings.28 Thus, in order for a school’s grievance procedures to be consistent with Title IX standards, the school must use a preponderance of the evidence standard (i.e., it is more likely than not that sexual harassment or violence occurred). The “clear and convincing” standard (i.e., it is highly probable or reasonably certain that the sexual harassment or violence occurred), currently used by some schools, is a higher standard of proof. Grievance procedures that use this higher standard are inconsistent with the standard of proof established for violations of the civil rights laws, and are thus not equitable under Title IX. Therefore, preponderance of the evidence is the appropriate standard for investigating allegations of sexual harassment or violence.

Throughout a school’s Title IX investigation, including at any hearing, the parties must have an equal opportunity to present relevant witnesses and other evidence. The complainant and the alleged perpetrator must be afforded similar and timely access to any information that will be used at the hearing. Pg 11

Throughout a school’s Title IX investigation, including at any hearing, the parties must have an equal opportunity to present relevant witnesses and other evidence. The complainant and the alleged perpetrator must be afforded similar and timely access to any information that will be used at the hearing. For example, a school should not conduct a pre-hearing meeting during which only the alleged perpetrator is present and given an opportunity to present his or her side of the story, unless a similar meeting takes place with the complainant; a hearing officer or disciplinary board should not allow only the alleged perpetrator to present character witnesses at a hearing; and a school should not allow the alleged perpetrator to review the complainant’s statement without also allowing the complainant to review the alleged perpetrator’s statement.

Therefore, any real or perceived conflicts of interest between the fact-finder or decision-maker and the parties should be disclosed.

Public and state-supported schools must provide due process to the alleged perpetrator. However, schools should ensure that steps taken to accord due process rights to the alleged perpetrator do not restrict or unnecessarily delay the Title IX protections for the complainant. Page 12.

When OCR finds that a school has not taken prompt and effective steps to respond to sexual harassment or violence, OCR will seek appropriate remedies for both the complainant and the broader student population. When conducting Title IX enforcement activities, OCR seeks to obtain voluntary compliance from recipients. When a recipient does not come into compliance voluntarily, OCR may initiate proceedings to withdraw Federal funding by the Department or refer the case to the U.S. Department of Justice for litigation. [11]”

The accused have no rights under Title IX, which makes this office the ideal vessel to execute the threat against Gelzhiser to comply obediently and submissively with administration if he wanted to save his college career and professional ambitions.

This is exactly what critics of Title IX had tried to warn other students and administrators would happen. UC’s want to make the Salem Witch Trials great again. They’ve already started at UCLA. UCLA, under Dean Kang and Jane Bitar, tried to burn Gelzhiser at the sexual-assault-accusation stake.

Just how far did administration go to “hunt” Gelzhiser down for defending Fink?

I recently had the honor of listening to Keith Fink give a talk at UCLA, elaborating on the; I can’t think of a word to describe how absolutely loathsome UCLA is on this matter: fraudulent, extortionist, blackmailing, conspiring, criminal, anti-everything good that college and America is supposed to be; ongoing story regarding Fink’s professional lynching. One of Fink’s slides during his talk was of a hidden camera and microphone used by Jane Bitar to spy on Fink’s TA, Justin Gelzhiser. It was hidden in a plant that was in a room where he worked on campus. This story would seem like a paranoid delusion if I wasn’t personally familiar with McCarthyism on college campuses.

Gelzhiser wanted to know what he was accused of, who accused him, any information so he could defend himself. What information he was given, he was able to refute it and prove his innocence. Eventually, the case disappeared because they couldn’t contact the complainant, if she existed at all.

“Gelzhiser said he filed the complaint with the Department of Education in December because he thinks the Title IX process at UCLA is a corrupt system that can lead to abuses of power. He added he thinks the university has not adequately investigated his claims that the communication department misused the Title IX process. [23]”

That’s the beauty of Title IX. You can make shit up and ruin people’s lives. You can say that someone accused you of something and you have no way of finding out if the accusation is even real. And Title IX extends off campus. Students, mostly male, have been kicked out of school because Title IX investigators found them guilty even though there was no victim. And these students have no rights, no due process. “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller is nonfiction at UC’s.

To work at any federally funded college or university, every person must take an oath to uphold the constitution and not work to subvert America.

Jane Bitar has been let go as the sacrificial lamb with a $4,000 reward and a Chancellor’s award handed to her by Dean Kang for her treason. What about Dean Kang? What about Dean Gomez? Dean Johnson? Why have they not been fired for violating this oath? Social justice is American subversion. [28]

What are you going to do about this?

Gelzhiser is still fighting UCLA, just as Professor Fink is still fighting UCLA.

They need our help.

If you donate to any UC, STOP. If you have endowments in place, end them. Find new ways to invest your money that don’t fund treason. Money is the language that UC’s talk. Talk back with financial silence.

Speak up for free speech. If you’re a UC student, Fink actively helps students defend themselves from these anti-academic monstrosities that pretend to be institutions of learning that attack students for thinking out of line.

If your student government obstructs a marketplace of ideas, something they do ALL THE TIME with impunity, keep a diary, keep your camera phone with you and the battery charged ready to record. UCSA is violating our first amendment rights by demanding fees be mandatory on a federally funded campus and then they actively obstruct free speech by disrupting any event or trying to get any professor fired who challenges what UCSA wants you to think. Academic affairs is in student government. Students are being forced to fund illiberal treason through student government. Student government fees can legally be voluntary if enough students gather evidence and go to court over student governments shitting on the first amendment. This is how to best hurt this treason. And when you consider how many students receive financial aid, student government reps promoting increasing student government fees because money magically comes from the government, it’s your money that is funding treason and your entrepreneurship and hard work that is taken for granted by ungrateful national socialists.

This is how the Nomenklatura operates.

Politics is downwind of culture.

And if UCLA is can be used to evaluate this drifting toxic wind, the future of politics is fascist, totalitarian, and suffocating from a lack of freedom, a lack of civil liberties, a lack of art, a lack of science, a lack of philosophy, and a lack of humanity. The Bill of Rights will be dead and we’ll all be defenseless.

It’s time to defund UC’s, who, in conjunction with student government, refuse to allow students to debate H.R. 4030, the Title IX Protection Act, anti-American legislation that of course came out of Commiefornia, on campus. UC’s spend money from mandatory student government fees to fund lobbying efforts that will codify and validate what happened to Gelzhiser by UCLA by promoting this assault on due process by pushing the legislature to approve H.R. 4030. [9]


[1] Tambo, D. O. R., (2017). Keith Fink Reveals UCLA’s Dirty Tricks to Quash Intellectual Pluralism on Campus. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[2] Tambo, D. O. R., (2017). On Tucker Carlson, UCLA microcosm of macrocosm. Emails to kill speak they don’t like or punish students who don’t conform to liberal ideology. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[3] Tambo, D. O. R., (2017). How UCLA Tramples on Students’ Free Speech. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[4] Fink, K., (2009). Communication Studies 188 : Sex, Politics and Race: Free Speech on Campus University of California, Los Angeles. (Summer 2009). Scribd. Retrieved from:

[5] The Foundation for Critical Thinking, (2017). Socratic Thinking. Retrieved from:

[6] USSA, (2018). About. United States student association. Retrieved from:

[7] UCSA, (2018). Home. University of California Student Association. Retrieved from:

[8] United States Student Association, (2018). Take Action on Your Campus; Ending Sexual Violence: Organize to adopt a Survivor’s bill of rights on your campus. USSA. Retrieved from:

[9] Speier, J., (2017). H.R.4030 – Title IX Protection Act. Congress.Gov. Retrieved from:  Know this bill and how to debate it!!!

[10] NAS, (2017). DeVos Rescinds Disastrous “Dear Colleague” Policy on Campus Sexual Misconduct. National Association of Scholars. Retrieved from:

[11] Ali, R., (2011). Dear Colleague letter, April 4th 2011. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights. Retrieved from:

OCR is the abbreviation for the Office of Civil Rights.

[12] USSA, (2018). What is USSA membership. USSA. Retrieved from: ( $o.50-$1.00 per student annually based on student population size.)

[13] Lhamon, C. E. (2015). Title IX resource guide. U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights. Title IX Resource. Retrieved from:

[14] Brown, S., (2017). Why Did a UCLA Instructor With a Popular Free-Speech Course Lose His Job? The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from:

[15] Kang, J., (2018). CrossCheck, UCLA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Retrieved from:

[16] Caulfield, P., (2011). UCLA outraged after student Alexandra Wallace slams Asians in racist video rant (VIDEO). Daily News. Retrieved from:

“Ohhhhhhhh! Ching chong ling long ting tong! Ohhhhhhh!” “Hi. In America, we do not talk on our cell phones in the library!”

[17] SirBigDICKNigga, (2011). Asians in the Library: UCLA Rant (Original Uncut Video) and Apology. YouTube. Retrieved from:

[18] Wong, J., (2011). Ching Chong! Asians in the Library Song (Response to UCLA’s Alexandra Wallace). YouTube. Retrieved from:

(Listen to 18 after 17. You won’t regret it.)

[19] Kang, J., (2015). Home. Jerry Kang, vice chancellor for equity, diversity and inclusion | ucla law prof. Retrieved from:

[20] UCLA Law, (2018). Jerry Kang. Faculty profiles. Retrieved from:!

[21] Wilcox, A., (2015). Vice chancellor Jerry Kang launches CrossCheck, talks social issues. Daily Bruin. Retrieved from:

[22] USSA, (2018). State of emergency. United States Student Association. Retrieved from:

[23] Bharanidaran, R., (2018). UCLA TA claims department targeted him with threat of Title IX complaint. Daily Bruin. Retrieved by:

[24] McLaughlin, S., (2017). FIRE raises questions about UCLA lecturer Keith Fink’s firing. Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. Retrieved from:

[25] FIRE, (2017). FIRE letter to UCLA. Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. Retrieved from:

[26] Rate My Professor, (2018). Keith Fink. Rate My Professor. Retrieved from:

[27] Farkas, S., (2017). Ousted conservative prof accuses UCLA of ‘bait & switch’. Campus Reform.  Retrieved from:

[28] Davis, K., (2018). Communication department manager Jane Bitar receives chancellor’s award, retires after 37 years. New Bruin. Retrieved from:

[29] Vladimirov, N., (2017). Prof exposes UCLA’s ‘dirty tricks’ against conservatives. Campus Reform. Retrieved from:

[30] Zuluaga, S., (2015). EVP Office Advocates for Survivor’s Bill of Rights. New University. Retrieved from:

“USSA members compiled the Survivor’s Bill of Rights as an attempt to gain formal, institutional support by university campuses as well as federal and state governments toward survivors of sexual violence.
The bill asks for campuses to treat cases of sexual and domestic violence seriously and execute appropriate sanctions. Administration should recognize sexual assault as serious, violent offenses and take necessary actions, such as removing the offender from all campus activities and grounds.”


Stage crafting; the theater of federally funded censorship disguised as social justice protests.

By Alexandria Jane.

Holy Chow. I can’t believe Isabella Chow, a senator at UC Berkeley, is real. She must be a troll, a plant, a tool of the deep state to fuck with the hypocritical religious right. It’s working.

Who runs for office, gets elected, and seeks advice from community leaders and advisers about how to vote on a bill instead of, I don’t know, crazy talk here, how about talking to the people who voted for her? She works for students, not the church. She is supposed to vote for her students, not her religion.

There’s no problem with electing someone who believes in the tooth fairy and that marriage is be between a man and a woman as long as this person remembers that they are elected to represent the people who voted for them, whether they agree with them or not. If you’re a young unmarried Muslim woman, you aren’t going to get a job as a prostate examiner. So, if you’re so Christian that you can’t fulfill your job requirements, like voting as a representative, then don’t apply for the job. Abstentions are reserved for conflicts of interest WITHIN student government, like abstaining from voting on legislation that will directly benefit you or your organization. This is not rocket science.
What was it that this student representative, whom I’m convinced is fake, actually do to create the shitstorm of hate that only social justice warriors can contrive? How did Chow generate a social justice shit hurricane?

Chow abstained from two votes because:

“I am asked to promote a choice of identities that I do not believe to be right….After lengthy conversations with many of my community’s leaders and advisers, I’ve chosen to abstain from both bills [1].”

The were two bills: one bill was about Advocacy Agenda revisions which dealt with abortion and other satanic rituals that are causing floods and hurricanes and people going to hell for not being Godly like Chow. The second bill was actually a proposed “resolution opposing the Trump administrations proposed Title IX changes and standing in solidarity with transgender, intersex, nonbinary and gender-nonconforming students [2].”

This stupid UC student, of which there are many, could have challenged these bad legislations intelligently, because both pieces of legislation are anti-American and anti-bill of rights, typical UCSA totalitarian national socialist propaganda and gaslighting. UCSA is cancer. Instead of highlighting how corrupt, ant-science, and anti-American UCSA and all UC student governments are, she abstains from voting because she’s a dogmatic Christian who can’t see how slaveholders use gays as proxies to prevent everyone from using natural birth control. She doesn’t know the difference between civil liberties and civil rights and fails to argue that it actually benefits everyone, including trans people, to have the definition of gender based on genitals and biology.

And Republicans are celebrating her as though she’s a hero! Are you fucking morons? How the fuck can you claim to fight for the constitution when you clearly have no problem with theocratic rule? What if she was a Wahhabi Muslim demanding every woman wear a hijab? And because she doesn’t want to offend anyone and assume anyone’s gender, everyone wears a hijab? Men and women must segregate again, something I’d love to see UCSA members try to pull off. “Well, she, I mean they, obviously look like a woman, but I’ve just assumed their gender. Women must sit in the back of the room away from men, however. What if a butcher identifies as a female? Is the meat still halal? What to do, what to do?”

Would you hold the same standards if Chow was Muslim? I doubt it.

The College Republicans at Stanford had this to say:

“We’re appalled to see how the fascist “transgender allies” of UC Berkeley are treating ASUC Senator Isabella Chow. She dared to stand up to the transgender madness and degeneracy by merely abstaining from voting for a sweeping pro-transgenderism statement in the wake of federal recognition for the gender binary. For this courageous but very respectful moral stand, various students have castigated her, calling for her resignation, hurled all kinds of invective toward her, denigrated her humanity and her faith, and even threatened her safety, both online and at the last night’s ASUC Senate meeting. We applaud her stand for her reasonable and indeed correct moral convictions and condemn the behavior or Berkeley’s resident degenerates toward her in the strongest possible terms. No one should be treated the was she has been, especially not when standing up for what’s right.
#IStandWithChow [3]”

Holy fucking shit.

What’s worse is that this echoes a disastrous plan for the California College Republicans that appeared to be written by the same author, slapping every non-Christian, every gay, and every lesbian Republican in the face with the stereotypical evangelical Christian Republican stupid stick.

Again, holy shit fuck! There can be no conservative activism if religious fascism is more important than the constitution of America and the Bill of Rights. You are just as bad as the left.

Fascism is fascism, you stupid fuckers! And my God, calling people degenerates when you practice a religion that uses gays as a proxy for birth control, families rejecting gay kids, bakers not celebrating love between gay couples who simply want a fucking wedding cake! You are the degenerate. You are wrong. And you are standing up for what’s wrong. You might as well be protesting with the left to destroy conservatives and the Republican party, because that’s exactly what you are doing by treating human beings like garbage for not being holy and righteous like you. Fuck you.

And I’m not siding with the looney left, who love to incite prejudice and use humans as shields to censor anything that challenges the Nomenklatura. Everyone who’s complaining about Chow are complaining for the wrong reasons, which is why I believe she’s a deliberate plant by the left.

“‘What might seem to be an aberrant attack on trans people, is actually the everyday violence many trans people, especially trans people of color and or low income trans people face,” Stanley said in an email. “Our work then, is to both push back against Trump’s most recent classification, and also work to undo the ways the fiction of the gender binary is operative everywhere [4].’”

Typical UCSA rhetoric using people as pawns to push Marxism as a mediator for totalitarian national socialism, that’s the real message here. Everyone in student government and the ASUC Nomenklatura speaks for UCSA, echoing UCSA, not themselves, not the students who elected them. They’re using Chow to push a narrative, not to push for a fair government. Notice that? I do.

I think that UCSA wants to dupe stupid evangelical Christian Republicans into believing that anyone can run as a representative in any government and then not do their jobs because of religion. This is a portal for Sharia law. There are more religions than Christianity on college campuses. And some of these religions are trying to establish a caliphate. Using Isabella Chow to troll stupid self-righteous Christians is a clever way to do this.

No one is talking about the real reason why she should not be a senator.


Did we forget about the first amendment again? How the left has been constantly fishing for court cases that it can take to the SCOTUS to destroy the first amendment? Seriously, the separation of church and state is there for a reason, to prevent fascism. And then you turn around and promote fascism by praising a stupid girl who should not have run for a position that she would not be able to fulfill because of her religious mental blinders that allow her to be stupid and still praised for trying to shit on the Bill of the Rights.

Everyone should be mad at her. EVERYONE. This is America, for fucks sake. She’s an idiot for choosing to run for student senate even though she knows she can’t vote on things that go against her stupid prescribed morals that she’s too emotionally illiterate to create herself.

Beware. UCSA is a treasonous organization that actively funds stage crafting disguised as social justice activism like this for covert censorship operations. There is no low low enough for this anti-American cult. Don’t be duped. Our Bill of Rights is constantly under attack. America is under attack. Stop being the lube that the left uses to fuck us all over.

This is stage crafting, not real life.

[1] Cannestra, S. (2018). ASUC senate discusses transfer student housing facility, religion. The Daily Californian. Retrieved from:

[2] Piette, H., (2018). Queer Alliance Resource Center calls for resignation of ASUC Senator Isabella Chow. The Daily Californian. Retrieved from:

[3] Stanford College Republicans
Facebook screenshots

[4] An, B., (2018). Berkeley community outraged by Trump administration’s rollback on transgender rights. The Daily Californian. Retrieved from:

[5] ASUC (2018). Senate Resolution No. 2017/2018-001
Advocacy Agenda Revisions Retrieved from: